I would hire a student – do I need anything from occupational safety / fire protection
7. December 2020.Is occupational safety necessary if employees work in the field?
21. December 2020.A Question Often Asked with Great Caution: What Do I Need for Occupational Safety (and Fire Protection) When Opening a Branch or Office, or a Separate Facility?
You’re opening another location, which costs x amount of money whether you buy it or rent it. Then there are the interior works, the furnishing, and the organization of work. And on top of all that, as the icing on the cake, you also have to worry about Occupational Safety and Fire Protection. So it's no wonder that your enthusiasm is at its peak!
For those who don't want to read further, a short answer to the question posed would be: yes, you need it.
The longer answer lies again in the responsibility and care of the employer for the workspaces under their control (which the above-mentioned spaces are). So, what needs to be done for the new space is the following:
- Update the risk assessment
- Examine the work environment (noise, lighting, temperature, air flow, humidity)
- Test the electrical installations (insulation resistance, indirect touch)
- Evacuation and rescue plan
- Depending on the area and purpose of the space, procure an adequate amount of fire extinguishers
- If more than one person works in the space, provide a first aid kit and ensure that one person per shift is trained in first aid
Additionally, if such systems are present in the space:
- Test the tightness of gas installations
- Test everything the space has related to fire protection (push buttons, panic lighting, hydrants, sprinklers, fire alarms…)
Yes, it could be better, but it’s not so bad as these are standard steps and measures that any quality authorized company should handle without problems. Except for gas testing, which is usually done by institutions authorized for gas installations.
Some comfort: certain tests do not need to be done by you as the employer if the space already has them and they haven't been done last in the time of Yugoslavia (read: they are younger than about 3 years, it's not the same for everything, if deadlines are important to you, contact me by email with questions). Electricity, gas, and fire protection tests do not have to be ordered by you, the tenant, but can be ordered by the landlord/property owner, etc. However, ultimately, it is your responsibility as the space user to ensure all of the above is done in one way or another.
That would be my brief answer, if you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me.
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Branimir Milanković
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