What I need from occupational safety and fire protection when opening a company or trade
27. October 2020.
Strengthening Anparo’s capacity by investing in ICT solutions
13. November 2020.I'm Hiring My First Employee - What Do I Need According to the Occupational Safety Act / Fire Protection Act
is a question many future employers ask with a certain amount of reservation and fear since most of them feel that it involves a Pandora's box with unknown, complicated, unfeasible, and expensive content.
To begin with, let's focus on the positive… you're hiring your first employee! This means you are growing! Congratulations and good luck with your further development, you have every reason to be happy and proud! Now that I have armed you with euphoria, it's time to open Pandora's box…
General list of the most common obligations (please note that I do not know the exact situation in your company) implies that you should address the following items:

Sure, here is the translation:
- Risk assessment preparation and training plan
- Training all employees to work safely
- Training all employees in fire protection
- Training the employer and/or employer's authorized representative
- Testing electrical installations
- Testing the working environment (lighting, noise, humidity, temperature, air flow)
- Evacuation plan preparation (graphic – floor plan, textual – evacuation report, signage – stickers with directions, etc.)
- Testing and inspection of work equipment (only equipment with increased hazards, no need to test coffee makers, computers, and microwaves)
- Procurement of fire extinguishers (quantity depends on the area and purpose of the space)
- Performing occupational safety tasks (constant monitoring and compliance with all possible laws/regulations, tracking the expiration of individual records, etc.)
Yes, I have listed up to 10 points, and this applies to all employers who employ at least one person regardless of what they do and how simple or complex their business premises are. However, I'm not done yet because I need to mention…
Additional obligations:
- Training one or more employees in first aid. (If more than one person works in one shift, then one person per shift should be trained in first aid. And no, first aid training from driving school is not valid. It's funny, but it is what it is. That's not the right document. You know how things work here.)
- Procurement of a first aid kit – only if you have an obligation to train.
- Testing the tightness of gas installations – only if you have gas installations; this testing is performed by authorized gas testing institutions.
- Testing everything related to fire safety (emergency lighting, buttons, hydrants, sprinklers, fire alarms…) – only if such systems are present in the space.
As you can see, the list of potential obligations is quite long, and I assume you are now slightly nervous, the vein on your forehead is throbbing, and you don't understand why all this is necessary and why they simply don't let you do your job… Please don't shoot the messenger, keep in mind that my goal is to present things as they are, not as you or I want them to be. Everything will be fine, take a deep breath, remember you are employing and growing. Euphoria! Pride! Happiness! Ready? Great, let's continue (yes, there is more, but the worst is over).
Everything mentioned above is not as complicated as it seems.
Half of the listed items have permanent value, some need to be renewed once every few years (every 3, 4, or 5 years – the exception is fire safety, where everything needs to be tested once a year). The only thing that requires constant updating is the risk assessment and performing occupational safety tasks, in which any quality occupational safety company can provide tremendous help and support. Thanks for asking - we are quality, no worries 😉.
Performing occupational safety tasks is something you can do yourself if you or any of your employees have the necessary qualifications. The qualification is as follows: you have attended a subject/course/lecture on occupational safety during your education (from personal experience, technical high schools like Ruđer Bošković require all students to attend one or two weeks of occupational safety training before starting practical lessons, which is enough to achieve the necessary qualification) and can document it.
If you don't have such a person available, you can always "create" one by sending them to professional training, according to the Occupational Safety Specialist program. This may initially seem like an unnecessary hassle, but believe me, it will save you a lot of money and time in the long run.
Since I promised myself not to bother you for more than about one page of text, I will conclude here. You have received the basic information, and I am available for everything else.
In the end, I will try to lift your spirits; all this is a big shock when transitioning from the situation where only you as the owner/director work in the company to a situation where you employ your first employee (as they say, the first ones are remembered). When you hire the second one, the only thing you need to do is train them (items 3 and 4) and update the risk assessment. And that's it for each subsequent employee! Starting a serious occupational safety story is difficult, but it's easy to maintain if you cooperate with a quality partner in this field. So keep growing, everything will be fine.
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