Office and simple activities | 15 godina iskustva| Anparo
15. May 2023.

Is occupational safety required to work from home?

Taking into account the fact that an apartment, house or other space in which the worker performs small-risk tasks for the employer is not an object intended for work, but a residential building or an object of other purpose, regardless of whether it is an occasional, predominant or permanent performance of these tasks, according to the provision of Article 3 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, item 3 In accordance with Article 10 of the Ordinance on Safety at Work for Places of Work (Official Gazette, No. 105/20), the obligations from the said Ordinance will apply to the extent that it is possible to insure them in relation to the basic purpose of housing and in accordance with the nature of the work and the size of the risk for the jobs performed by the worker in that space for the employer.
15. February 2021.

We move to other spaces – what I need from occupational safety law / fire protection law

We are moving to other premises - what I need from the law on safety at work / fire protection law (hereinafter referred to as ZNR/ZOP) is a question that we are very happy to answer. Primarily because it is a frequent reason for moving the needs for a larger and better quality space, which means that the business entity is developing and growing. Is everything from ZNR/ZOP worth it to you if you change space? No. Do you have to do everything again? No. The truth is somewhere in between because part of the ZNR/ZOP obligations is related to employees, and part to the premises. By changing the space, you should think about those ZNR/ZOP items that concern the business premises itself, and this would be as follows:
2. February 2021.

Stress in the workplace, the cause of many financial losses for the company

We want to present you with a part of occupational safety that has been unfairly neglected even by authorized companies. The part that is only mentioned along the way works as a footnote in occupational safety documents. Just enough to fulfill the legal form. We would like to make a departure from the dry, legal definition, what we all have in mind when we hear and think about safety at work. To show that safety at work properly applied in its entire scope and hidden potentials, can, proven to have a positive impact on the entire life of a company employee (even outside his professional segment, working hours). Therefore, the overall work and financial performance of the company in which he works and ultimately on the employee's private, family part of life, which I believe should be the most important thing for all of us.
25. January 2021.

Termination of employment contracts and safety at work

What to do when it comes to safety at work when you cancel an employment contract? I believe that none of you are happy to fire an employee – no matter how justified the reason, I assume that this is a relatively stressful situation for him and for you.
16. November 2020.

I would hire a disabled person, do I need to adjust the space and what does occupational safety say about it?

Employees with disabilities have the right to vocational training and rehabilitation – determination of remaining working capacity, labour market analysis, possibility of employment and inclusion in work, professional information, counseling and assessment of professional opportunities, information and counseling on assistive technology in learning and work, programs for improving work and social inclusion in the community, technical assistance, support, monitoring and evaluation of results, information and support in sources of funding, development of motivation and training of persons with disabilities in the use of selected technology.
9. November 2020.

What do I need from the law on occupational safety when hiring the first employee?

I'm hiring my first employee - what do I need from occupational safety law/fire safety law? It is a question that many future employers ask with some reservation and fear since most of them have the impression that this is a Pandora's box whose contents are unknown, complicated, unfeasible and too expensive.
2. April 2020.
This Act establishes infectious diseases whose prevention and suppression is of interest to the Republic of Croatia, as well as measures for the protection of the population from infectious diseases.
1. April 2020.
These Regulations prescribe the maximum permitted noise levels in the environment where people work and stay. The sizes for describing noise and the manner and conditions for measuring and determining these quantities are defined by the following standards:
1. April 2020.
The provisions of this Regulation shall not apply to: means of transport outside the employer's circle, or places of work within means of transport; temporary or mobile construction sites; exploration and exploitation of mineral resources; fishing boats
1. April 2020.
This Technical Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) prescribes, in the context of meeting the essential requirements for construction works (hereinafter referred to as electrical installations), requirements for design, execution, usability, maintenance and other requirements for electrical installations, and the technical characteristics and other requirements for products intended for installation in electrical installations (hereinafter: for electrical installations).
30. March 2020.
This Ordinance prescribes the conditions for granting authorization to perform checks of the correctness and functionality (hereinafter: correctness) of the performed stable systems, devices and installations for fire detection, alarm and extinguishing, detection and notification of the presence of flammable gases and vapors and prevention of fire spread (hereinafter: systems), as well as the method of verifying their correctness.
30. March 2020.
This Ordinance prescribes the program and manner of training the population for the implementation of preventive fire protection measures, for firefighting and rescue of people and property endangered by fire, for the purpose of effective protection of the population and property endangered by fire.
30. March 2020.
This Ordinance prescribes the content of the fire protection study for buildings (hereinafter: the study) which serves as a basis for the development of all types of projects of the main design according to a special regulation.
30. March 2020.
This Ordinance determines the content and manner of drafting and applying methods in the preparation of fire risk assessment and technological explosion (hereinafter referred to as endangerment assessment) for buildings, construction parts and open spaces owned or used by a legal entity and for the area of municipality, city, district, City of Zagreb and žirpanija.
30. March 2020.
These Regulations lay down requirements regarding safety and health protection when working with a computer. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be appropriately applied to work at the worker's home or in another premises, which is not the premises of the employer.
22. February 2020.

Safety at work in the home, 12 tips for working more efficiently from home

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced most Croatian and world companies to make drastic changes in the way they do their jobs. Working from home has become a new everyday life, and when you add up other people's stories on the subject it sounds like they're fighting a battle with themselves. Have you thought about safety at work the moment you found out that you will be working from home, ergonomic conditions, the possibility of agreeing with your employer to keep your workplace healthy (business computer, chair, desk, other office aids)? You probably didn't, and that's why I decided to write a few tips that could increase the efficiency of your work from home.
11. September 2019.
This Ordinance lays down the obligation, methods and procedures for testing the working environment, the deadlines for testing and the content and manner of issuing the minutes of environmental testing.
11. September 2019.
This Regulation prescribes the conditions, methods, and procedures for risk assessment, the mandatory contents covered by the assessment, the data on which the risk assessment is based, and the classification of hazards, harm, and efforts at work and in connection with work.
11. September 2019.
This Law regulates the occupational safety and health system in the Republic of Croatia, particularly the national policy and activities, general principles of prevention, rules of occupational safety and health, employer's obligations, rights and duties of workers and workers' representatives for occupational safety and health, activities related to occupational safety and health, as well as supervision and misdemeanor liability.