I employ more than one, 20, 49, 300 people, what do I need from occupational safety and fire protection?
23. November 2020.
I would hire a student – do I need anything from occupational safety / fire protection
7. December 2020.Do I need occupational safety if the office is at a different location or address? This is a question that entrepreneurs often ask, considering that their headquarters are registered at one address while their business premises are located elsewhere. It is very common that when opening a company, you register the headquarters at your home address, and over time you open branches at other locations.
Obligations related to occupational safety (and fire protection) apply exclusively to those locations where work is carried out. This means that at the headquarters' address, you do not need to do anything regarding occupational safety provided that no one works at that address. In such a case, you only deal with the office and all other locations that the company uses for its work processes.
I have written about the exact obligations in previous posts, and you can read more about them here: What do I need from the law on occupational safety and fire protection when hiring the first employee?

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