Preparation of Occupational Health and Safety Plans
is the responsibility of the investor.
Specifically, the investor is obliged to ensure that when designing buildings intended for work (in accordance with special regulations), an Occupational Health and Safety Plan is prepared. This plan will encompass the methods of applying workplace safety rules when using buildings intended for work, meaning for conducting business activities, but not for private purposes.
The Occupational Health and Safety Plan serves as proof
that prescribed safety measures for workers have been incorporated within the integral parts of the main project. It provides an overview of all technical solutions for implementing workplace safety rules, as stipulated in the relevant projects.

For Employers Who Want to Know More About:
Preparing Occupational Health and Safety Plans
The above means that this document (along with other required project documentation) is necessary to obtain a construction permit from the authority responsible for construction matters. A well-prepared Occupational Health and Safety Plan aims to prevent workplace injuries, occupational diseases, and work-related illnesses when using buildings intended for work or conducting business activities, but not for private purposes.
There are often inquiries from designers and investors about the process of preparing Occupational Health and Safety Plans, particularly regarding who can or must prepare the plan, who signs or approves it, and so on. The law does not directly specify who prepares the Occupational Health and Safety Plan. It can be prepared by Coordinator I, a design company, or the chief designer. It would be advisable for each of the designers in their respective technical areas to prepare a part of the plan, followed by coordination and the creation of a comprehensive plan.
Effective coordination of the project and a well-prepared Occupational Health and Safety Plan aims to prevent workplace injuries, occupational diseases, and work-related illnesses when using the building. In this process, the obligations of the designer, as stipulated by the provisions of the Spatial Planning and Building Act, to ensure the mutual compatibility of projects in various technical areas that constitute the overall main project and compliance of the main project with regulations related to construction and building use should not be overlooked.
When it comes to buildings intended for work, it is particularly important that the main project is in compliance with the provisions of the law and regulations based on the law. The law does not specify who prepares or signs the Occupational Health and Safety Plan because this would diminish the importance and responsibility of the chief designer for the compliance of the main project. Therefore, the chief designer will decide whether to prepare the plan themselves or delegate it to someone else.
It is good practice for each designer in various technical fields (architecture, construction, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and others) to prepare a part of the plan within their area of expertise, and based on these parts, coordination and the creation of a comprehensive plan are performed.
This task can certainly be handled effectively by the chief designer or an occupational health and safety expert or an authorized company specializing in occupational health and safety. This approach has a significant positive impact on preventing workplace injuries, occupational diseases, and work-related illnesses when using the designed building. It is also the most cost-effective form of prevention, and a professionally prepared Occupational Health and Safety Plan will assist the user in preparing a risk assessment at work and ensuring the safe use and maintenance of the building.
If you want to learn more about how risk assessments are viewed at the European Union level, visit the website of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.
Izrada elaborata zaštite na radu proizlazi iz sljedećih zakona: Ičl. 73. Zakona o zaštiti na radu (NN br. 071/14, 118/14 i 94/18 i 96/18) i čl. 69 Zakona o gradnji (NN br. 153/13, 20/17, 39/19, 125/19).
Investitor je obvezan osigurati da se pri projektiranju građevina namijenjenih za rad izradi elaborat zaštite na radu koji obuhvaća i razrađuje način primjene pravila zaštite na radu pri korištenju građevina namijenjenih za rad. Elaborat zaštite na radu, prema Zakonu o zaštiti na radu, obavezno mora biti sastavni dio glavnog projekta za građenje zgrada u kojima ima mjesta rada, odnosno treba biti izrađen za sve građevine namijenjene radu s njima pripadajućim pomoćnim prostorijama (skladištima, sanitarnim prostorijama, ambulantama, prostorijama za odmor i dr.), komunikacijskim površinama, instalacijama i uređajima.
Elaboratom se dokazuje da se unutar sastavnih dijelova glavnog projekta predvidjela propisana zaštita za radnike. Isti daje prikaz svih tehničkih rješenja za primjenu pravila zaštite na radu, koja su predviđena u odgovarajućim projektima. Uz naslov i registraciju projektne organizacije, elaborat sadrži prikaz mjera zaštite, koji, ovisno o vrsti građevine tematski podijeljen sadrži ove uobičajene opisne dijelove:
- opasnosti i štetnosti koje proizlaze iz procesa rada i način na koji se te opasnosti otklanjaju
- primijenjene propise zaštite na radu koji se odnose na lokaciju građevine
- odstranjivanje štetnih otpadaka, prometnice, radni prostor, pomoćne prostorije i drugo
- predvidiv broj radnika prema spolu
- ergonomsku prilagodbu mjesta rada ako je na njemu predviđen rad osobe s invaliditetom
- tehnička rješenja koja omogućuju pristup osobi s invaliditetom građevini sukladno posebnom propisu
- radne postupke koji imaju utjecaja na stanje u radnom i životnom okolišu, naročito vezano za sigurno održavanje građevine
- popis opasnih radnih tvari štetnih po zdravlje koje se u procesu rada koriste, prerađuju ili nastaju te njihove karakteristike
- popis propisa i naznaku odredaba o zaštiti na radu koje su primijenjene u glavnom projektu
Prema propisima, elaboratu zaštite na radu mora biti priložena isprava kojom se dokazuje da ta dokumentacija sadrži tehničko rješenje za primjenu pravila zaštite na radu, koje projektirana građevina mora zadovoljavati kada bude u upotrebi. Ovu ispravu izdaje projektant, nakon izvršene provjere te dokumentacije. Elaborat se zajedno sa svim mapama glavnog projekta predaje Inpekciji zaštite na radu koja izdaje Potvrdu da je glavni projekt izrađen prema važećim propisima iz područja zaštite na radu.
Tko može i mora izraditi elaborat zaštite na radu?
Izrada elaborata zaštite na radu odgovornost je investitora. Zakonom nije izravno propisano tko izrađuje elaborat zaštite na radu. Elaborat zaštite na radu može izraditi koordiantor I, projektansko društvo ili glavni projektant.
Za što je elaborat zaštite na radu nužan?
Elaborat zaštite na radu nužan je za dobivanje građevniske dozvole od strane tijela nadležnog za poslove građenja. Njegova plemenitija funkcija jest sprječavanje ozljeda na radu, profesionalnih bolesti i bolesti u vezi s radom prilikom uporabe same građevine namijenjene za rad.
Može li više projektanata sudjelovati u izradi elaborata zaštite na radu?
Može. Dobra je praksa da svaki od projektanata u različitim tehničkim područjima (arhitektura, graditeljstvo, strojarstvo, elektrotehnika i druge) izrade dio elaborata u svojem području te se na temelju tako izrađenih dijelova obavlja usklađivanje i izrada cjelovitog elaborata.
Specialist for this service is:
Tomislav Nimac
Senior expert for occupational safety
+385 (1) 28 52 117
+385 95 802 71 73