Testing the Emergency Shutdown Buttons for Electrical Power
Testing the emergency shutdown buttons for electrical power is conducted to ensure that the buttons function as intended, which is to cut off electrical power in case of emergencies, such as fires. This testing is the responsibility of the employer and must be carried out annually.

While this testing is the responsibility of the employer, it can also be commissioned by the owner/landlord of the facility. We have written about this and many other useful topics for employers in the following article: MOVING TO A NEW BUSINESS SPACE AND WORKPLACE SAFETY - TIPS & TRICKS FOR ENTREPRENEURS.
Is testing the functionality of emergency electrical power shutoff switches complicated?
This testing is extremely straightforward, and the fieldwork portion is quickly completed. However, it's important to note that during the testing of emergency electrical power shutoff switches, you will temporarily be without electrical power. Any reputable company in our industry will notify and coordinate with you regarding their visit, giving you ample time to organize your work to minimize the impact of the power outage.
Although you can perform the testing of emergency electrical power shutoff switches on your own, it's highly recommended to include it as a requirement in your workplace risk assessment.
Koliko se često treba ponavljati ovo ispitivanje?
Ovo se ispitivanje mora vršiti jednom godišnje.
Moram li ja kao poslodavac u najmu naručiti ovo ispitivanje ili to mora učiniti vlasnik prostora?
I jedno i drugo. Poslodavac kao korisnik prostora ima obavezu osigurati da se ovo ispitivanje provede, ali samo ispitivanje može naručiti (i financirati) i vlasnik objekta. U praksi najmodavci koji su odgovorniji preuzimaju tu odgovornost na sebe te na taj način rasterećuju svoje najmoprimce.
Moja tvrtka radi u najmu, a najmodavac je obavio ovo ispitivanje. Da li ja po tom pitanju moram još nešto učiniti?
Jedino što bi bilo dobro je da od najmodavca imate kopiju zapisnika o ispitivanju koju ćete čuvati sa svim ostalim dokumentima koje imate iz područja zaštite na radu/zaštite od požara i da vodite računa o tome da vam se dostavljaju nove kopije tih zapisnika. Naravno, ukoliko surađujete sa kvalitetnom tvrtkom iz područja zaštite na radu tvrtka će voditi evidenciju o isteku rokova i podsjećati vas na to.
The specialist for this service is:
Tomislav Nimac
senior expert in occupational safety
+385 (1) 28 52 117
+385 95 802 71 73