I would hire a disabled person, do I need to adjust the space and what does occupational safety say about it?
16. November 2020.
Do I need occupational safety if the office is in a different location/address?
30. November 2020.I'm Hiring More Than One, Twenty, Forty-Nine, Three Hundred Employees - What Do I Need According to the Occupational Safety Act/Fire Protection Act? This is a logical question as you start to develop and grow.
If you are just now encountering this topic, please read the article titled: I'm Hiring My First Employee, What Do I Need According to the Occupational Safety Act.
If you have already regulated your obligations before this moment (with your first employee), you have very few additional obligations:

- Updating the risk assessment
- Training the new employee to work safely
- Training the new employee in fire protection
These obligations are repeated with each new employee regardless of the quantity until you reach 20 employees, because then, besides the mentioned ones, a new obligation appears:
- Employing a person with disabilities – this is an obligation under the Labor Law, not the Occupational Safety Act, but it brings its own issues, which I wrote about in the article: I would hire a disabled person, do I need to adjust the space and what does occupational safety say about it? You are not obliged to employ a person with disabilities if your company deals with jobs with special working conditions for which people with disabilities will not pass the medical examination.
I've Hired My 50th Employee, What Does Occupational Safety Say?
When you reach your 50th employee, new requirements arise:
- You would need to employ an occupational safety expert;
an expert of the 1st degree if most jobs in the company have low risks (office jobs like accounting, programming, etc.)
an expert of the 2nd degree if the majority of jobs do not fall into the aforementioned category.
You don't have to employ the expert full-time (working hours are not prescribed). - You are obliged to establish an occupational safety committee (the committee consists of the employer or an authorized representative, the occupational safety expert, an occupational medicine specialist, and the workers' safety representative if elected, or their coordinator) which will meet at least once every 6 months.
- You would need to train another person in first aid.
* The workers' safety representative is not a mandatory function in any case (up to 49 workers or more), but it would be good to have a written record that you have informed the workers about their right to elect a workers' safety representative and that you have given them time to decide on this right and that they have decided whether they need this function or not (the representative's function is to represent the interests and needs of workers in terms of occupational safety and communicate them to the employer).
When You Have a Company with 249 to 499 Employees, You Need:
- To employ one occupational safety expert of the 1st degree
- To employ one occupational safety expert of the 2nd degree
If you have any additional questions on this topic, feel free to contact me, contact information is below on the page.
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Branimir Milanković
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