Arhiva work from home | Anparo

work from home

15. May 2023.

Is occupational safety required to work from home?

Taking into account the fact that an apartment, house or other space in which the worker performs small-risk tasks for the employer is not an object intended for work, but a residential building or an object of other purpose, regardless of whether it is an occasional, predominant or permanent performance of these tasks, according to the provision of Article 3 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, item 3 In accordance with Article 10 of the Ordinance on Safety at Work for Places of Work (Official Gazette, No. 105/20), the obligations from the said Ordinance will apply to the extent that it is possible to insure them in relation to the basic purpose of housing and in accordance with the nature of the work and the size of the risk for the jobs performed by the worker in that space for the employer.
22. February 2020.

Safety at work in the home, 12 tips for working more efficiently from home

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced most Croatian and world companies to make drastic changes in the way they do their jobs. Working from home has become a new everyday life, and when you add up other people's stories on the subject it sounds like they're fighting a battle with themselves. Have you thought about safety at work the moment you found out that you will be working from home, ergonomic conditions, the possibility of agreeing with your employer to keep your workplace healthy (business computer, chair, desk, other office aids)? You probably didn't, and that's why I decided to write a few tips that could increase the efficiency of your work from home.
Safety at work in the home, 12 tips for working more efficiently from home
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