Testing and Inspection of the Functionality of Stable Fire Detection, Alarm, and Suppression Systems, Devices, and Installations

Testing and inspection of the functionality of stable fire detection, alarm, and suppression systems, devices, and installations are obligations arising from the Fire Protection Act and involve initial testing, followed by periodic testing (at least once a year). In addition to the testing itself, a testing report must also be prepared. Conducting these tests is a legal requirement for building owners or users.


There are various devices and installations that fall under stable fire protection systems, with the most common being stable water-based fire suppression systems (sprinklers, drenchers, hydrants), stable gas or powder-based fire suppression systems, fire detection systems, gas detection systems, and fire suppression systems in kitchen hoods.

According to the Regulation on the Inspection of the Functionality of Stable Fire Protection Systems (NN 044/2012), the functionality of the systems is verified through initial and periodic inspections.

Initial System Inspection

Performed by legal entities authorized by the competent authority for conducting inspections of system functionality, which did not manufacture or reconstruct, import, design, install, or oversee the installation or reconstruction of the system or its components, nor are they owners or users of the system.

Periodic System Inspection

Performed by legal entities authorized by the competent authority for conducting inspections of system functionality.

Since this inspection, like most fire-related activities, is done once a year, it is ideal (if feasible) to synchronize it with other needs (e.g., inspection of the functionality of safety and panic lighting or inspection of the functionality of emergency electrical power cutoff switches).

1Legal obligations

According to the law, the verification of functionality is carried out for the following systems:

  • fire detection and alarm system;
  • fire suppression system using gas;
  • fire suppression system using foam;
  • fire suppression system using water;
  • fire suppression system using water mist;
  • fire suppression system using powder;
  • detecting and reporting the presence of flammable gases and vapors;
  • hydrant network;
  • devices and installations for preventing the occurrence and spread of fires and explosions.

A verification report on the system's functionality is prepared. A report that contains an unsatisfactory assessment of system functionality must be submitted by the legal entity that performed the verification to the competent internal affairs inspectorate of the police administration within 7 days from the date of the verification. The system is deemed functional if it meets the requirements specified in Chapter V of the Regulation on the Inspection of the Functionality of Stable Systems, for which a certificate of system functionality is issued.

2Frequently asked questions
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