Ordinance on checking the correctness of stable fire protection systems
30. March 2020.Ordinance on occupational safety for places of work
Article 1.
(1) This Technical Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) prescribes, within the framework of meeting the essential requirements for construction works, the technical characteristics of low-voltage electrical installations of buildings (hereinafter referred to as electrical installations), the requirements for design, execution, usability, maintenance and other requirements for electrical installations, and the technical characteristics and other requirements for products intended for installation in electrical installations (hereinafter: for electrical installations).
(2) This regulation does not apply to electrical appliances and other equipment connected to electrical installations.
Article 2.
The design, construction (execution of works), maintenance and use of the building must be such as to meet the requirements prescribed by this Regulation.
Article 3.
(1) Electrical installation as an integral part of the building includes:
1. circuits supplied with rated voltages up to 1000 V ac current or up to 1500 V DIRECT CURRENT; the favored frequencies are 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400 Hz, but other frequencies for special purposes are not excluded,
2. circuits operating at voltages above 1000 V obtained from electrical installation of voltages up to 1000 V alternating current e.g. lighting with light sources with a discharge, electrostatic spraying equipment, and the internal wiring of the apparatus (device) is excluded,
3. all cable/conductor distribution systems, not covered by the standards for appliances
4. all electrical installations outside buildings which are an integral part of it and which together form a technical and technological unit,
5. permanent cable/conductor distribution systems for communication and information technology, signalling, control, fire alarm and the like (exclude the active components of these systems and their internal wiring).
(2) This Regulation does not apply to:
1. electrical installation and electrical traction equipment, including locomotives and signalling equipment,
2. equipment for combating radio interference, except where it affects the safety of the electrical installation,
3. electric fences,
4. public supply systems (networks) for the distribution of electricity or for the generation and transmission of electricity for such systems,
5. electricity sources that are part of the building (e.g. electric generators, devices for uninterruptible power supply, etc.).
Article 4.
Certain requirements for electrical installation may be regulated differently for certain types of buildings by a special regulation in relation to the requirements of this Regulation, if this is necessary for the purpose of special requirements for certain buildings. In such a case, the requirements of this Regulation apply only to those requirements that are not governed by a special regulation.
Article 5.
The electrical installation is part of the building’s building assembly. Meeting the essential requirements for the construction works in relation to the supply of electricity to the building, i.e. signaling, control, electronic and communication (ICT) and similar needs, i.e. processes, is achieved by an electrical installation that has technical characteristics and meets the requirements prescribed by this Regulation.
Article 6.
The products to which this Regulation applies are:
– manifolds (distribution cabinets) for electrical installations,
– cables/conductors for distribution systems for electrical installations,
– protective, control, measuring, monitoring and switchgear,
– electrical installation accessories (cable control systems, plug accessories, switches, switches and the like, connecting devices, boxes, etc.),
– other covered by the general term electrical equipment,
– lampposts.
Article 7.
Products for installation in electrical installation shall be harmonized with each other in such a way that, after the performance of the electrical installation, they ensure that the requirements set out in this Regulation are met.
Article 8.
(1) The terms used in this Regulation shall have the following meaning:
electrical installation is a set of interconnected products for electrical installation installed in a building with harmonized features to fulfill a specific purpose,
the beginning of the electrical installation is the point of handing over electricity to the electrical installation,
electrical equipment is any product used for the production, conversion, transmission, distribution or use of electricity, such as: electrical machinery, transformers, switchgear and control devices, measuring devices (instruments), protective devices, distribution systems (cables, lines, busbars, electrical accessories, etc.), electrical appliances,
electrical consumption is electrical equipment intended for the conversion of electricity into another form of energy, e.g. light, heat, mechanical energy,
an electrical circuit is a set of electrical equipment of an electrical installation, which is protected from overcurrents by the same protective device (the same protective devices),
electric shock is a pathophysiological effect caused by the passage of an electric current through the human or animal body,
electric shock protection is a set of measures to reduce the risk of electric shock.
Article 9.
(1) Electrical installation products to which this Regulation applies shall have technical characteristics and meet other requirements prescribed by this Regulation.
(2) If other characteristics and other requirements are prescribed for products that are integral parts of an electrical installation by a special regulation adopted in accordance with the Law on Physical Planning and Construction, then the provisions of these special regulations shall apply to these products, in addition to the provisions of this regulation.
(3) Electrical appliances and other equipment connected to an electrical installation shall be appropriate to the technical characteristics of the electrical installation and shall comply with the requirements laid down in a special regulation.
Article 10
(1) The technical characteristics of the electrical installation shall be such that, during the life of the building in which it is installed, in addition to the prescribed, i.e. design-specified execution and maintenance of the electrical installation, buildings and electrical installations submit all the influences of normal use and environmental influences, so that during the construction and use of the building, foreseeable actions do not cause:
– fire and/or explosion of the building or part thereof,
– danger, interference, damage or inadmissible damage during the use of the building,
– electric shock and other injuries to building users and animals,
– noise greater than permitted,
– electricity consumption higher than permitted.
(2) Technical characteristics referred to in paragraph 1. this Article is achieved by designing and performing electrical installations in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.
(3) Preservation of technical characteristics referred to in paragraph 1. this Article is achieved by maintaining the electrical installation in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.
Article 11
If the electrical installation has the technical characteristics prescribed in Article 10. paragraph 1 this Regulation, it is understood that the building meets the essential requirements in terms of: fire protection, safety in use, noise protection and energy savings and thermal protection in relation to the impact of electrical installation.
Article 12
The technical characteristics of the electrical installation shall be such that, in addition to meeting the requirements of this Regulation, the requirements of the specific regulations governing the fulfilment of other essential requirements for construction works are met.
Article 13
An electrical installation shall, after the reconstruction of the building of which it is an integral part, and by which the reconstruction affects the existing electrical installation, have the technical characteristics prescribed in Article 10. item 1. and Article 12. this Regulation, i.e. at least the technical characteristics it had before the reconstruction (hereinafter: existing technical characteristics).
Article 14
(1) Electrical installation products are manufactured in factories outside the construction site.
(2) By way of derogation from paragraph 1. in this article manifolds (distribution cabinets) for electrical installations can be made on the site for the purposes of that construction site.
(3) Under the construction site, in addition to the premises specified by the Law on Physical Planning and Construction, in terms of the provision of paragraph 2. this Article also includes a production facility where manifolds (distribution cabinets) for electrical installations, using appropriate construction technology, are manufactured or manufactured for the needs of a particular construction site in accordance with the project of electrical installation.
Article 15
(1) A product for electrical installation may be installed in an electrical installation or in a building related to the performance of the installation if it meets the requirements prescribed by Annex “A” to this Regulation and if a certificate of conformity has been issued for it in accordance with the provisions of a special regulation.
(2) In the event of non-compliance of the electrical installation device with the technical specifications for that product, the manufacturer, authorised representative or importer of the product for electrical installations shall withdraw the product for electrical installation from the market and take measures to identify and remedy the defects that caused the non-compliance, unless otherwise specified by a special regulation.
(3) If there is a delivery of a non-compliant product for electrical installations, the manufacturer, authorised representative or importer must, without delay, inform all buyers, distributors, authorized legal person who participated in the certification of conformity and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, if no other regulation is specified by a special regulation.
(4) The manufacturer, authorised representative or importer and distributor of electrical installation products shall take appropriate measures to maintain the characteristics of the product during the handling, transport, transhipment, storage and installation of electrical installation products.
Article 16
(1) The technical or specified characteristics, the confirmation of conformity and the marking of products for electrical installation, the specificities in the design and construction of the construction of the construction works and the necessary control procedures as well as other requirements to be met by the products, are set out in Annex “A” to this Regulation for:
– manifolds (distribution cabinets) for electrical installations,
– cables/conductors for distribution systems for electrical installations,
– protective, control, measuring, monitoring and switchgear,
– electrical installation accessories (cable control systems, plug-in accessories, switches, switches and the like, connecting devices, boxes, etc.),
– other covered by the general term electrical equipment,
– lampposts.
(2) Confirmation of conformity of lighting poles which are not covered by the standards or significantly deviate from the harmonised standards referred to in Annex “A” referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall be carried out according to the technical permissions for those products.
(3) Confirmation of conformity of lighting poles in terms of paragraphs 1. and 2. of this Article covers the actions of conformity assessment of lighting poles and, depending on the prescribed conformity assessment system, the issuance of a certificate of factory control of the production of lighting poles or the issuance of a certificate of conformity of lighting poles. Confirmation of conformity of other products for electrical installation includes actions prescribed by a special regulation.
Article 17
(1) If a structural part of the building is included as an integral part of the electrical installation, the products for electrical installations included in those parts of the building must comply with the requirements of the specific regulation.
(2) Paragraph 1. this article refers in particular to the structural parts of the building related to the foundation grounding, the system of equalizing the potential and the protective and functional grounding.
Article 18
(1) The design of the electrical installation shall provide for the execution and service life of the electrical installation and the building all the impacts on the electrical installation resulting from the manner and order of construction of the building, the foreseeable conditions of use of the building and the foreseeable environmental impacts on the electrical installation and the building.
(2) The electrical installation project should demonstrate that the building will meet the essential requirements of fire protection, safety in use, noise protection and energy savings and thermal protection in relation to the impact of electrical installation during the construction and design lifespan.
(3) Unless otherwise prescribed by a special regulation, the service life of the electrical installation referred to in paragraph 2. This article is at least 25 years old.
(4) Where, in order to comply with the requirements of this Regulation, additional protection of the electrical installation is required, this protection shall be considered an integral part of the technical solution of the electrical installation.
(5) When drawing up an architectural, construction and/or mechanical design, the relevant elements of the technical design of the electrical installation must be taken into account in a timely manner.
Article 19
(1) Compliance with the essential requirements of fire protection, safety in use, noise protection and energy and thermal protection savings shall be demonstrated in the electrical engineering project:
– selecting the technical characteristics of the product for electrical installations,
– selecting and implementing the prescribed security measures,
– calculations of the technical characteristics of the product for electrical installations by setting requirements and aligning the technical characteristics with the relevant characteristics of the individual essential requirement.
(2) The budget referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall be carried out using appropriate budgetary procedures, supplemented, where appropriate, by tests, taking into account all relevant parameters.
(3) The budgets referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall ensure, taking into account the reliability of the input data and the accuracy of the performance, the appropriate technical characteristics and functionality of the electrical installation during the construction and use of the construction works.
Article 20
(1) Croatian standards referred to in Annex “B” of this Regulation shall apply to the design of electrical installations.
(2) Other rules for the design of electrical installations which differ from the rules given to the Croatian standards set out in Annex “B” of this Regulation shall be permitted if it is demonstrated that the application of those rules meets the requirements of this Regulation at least at the level specified in those standards.
(3) Annex ‘B’ referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall specify the design of the electrical installation.
Article 21
(1) The content of the main design of the building in the part related to the technical solution of the electrical installation and the conditions for the execution and maintenance of the electrical installation is covered by the electrical design as well as the project of other professions, if necessary for the purpose of achieving the function of electrical installation.
(2) The electrical design, in so far as it relates to an electrical installation, depending on the type of construction and the characteristics of the electrical installation, shall contain in particular:
1. in the terms of reference, which is made by the investor and signed by the investor and the designer:
– basic purpose of the building,
– requirements relating to electrical installation.
2. in the technical description:
– requirements from the terms of reference relating to electrical installation,
– compliance with the technical requirements of the prior electricity approval,
– determination of the general characteristics of the electrical installation on the basis of the classification of the building according to external influences,
– special conditions,
– selected security measures, i.e. protection against electric shock, protection against thermal effects, overcurrent protection, protection against fault currents, protection against voltage disturbances and protection measures against electromagnetic influences (EMC) and protection against interruption of energy supply,
– a presentation and description of all measures to meet the essential requirements for the construction,
– possible impacts of electrical installation on the environment and vice versa,
– connection and connection conditions to the public electricity supply system (grid),
– a description of the safety and/or ancillary sources of electricity,
– a description of the measures for equalizing the potential and protective grounding (foundation grounding plant),
– a description of the electrical equipment selected, the method of its installation, fastening and suspension on or passage through the load-bearing structure and other parts of the structure,
– a description of the protective and control devices,
– a description of the possibility of disconnecting an electrical installation in danger,
– separation (disassembly) of part of the electrical installation for maintenance, measurement and repair,
– description of the distribution of electricity by building with the location of manifolds,
– description of electrical equipment for safety purposes and backup supply / supply in preparation,
– description of electrical lighting equipment,
– description of the method of execution of electrical installation, description of control and signalization,
– the conditions for the maintenance of the electrical installation, including the conditions for the disposal of electrical equipment after replacement or partial removal, which must be included in the declaration of the works carried out and the conditions of maintenance of the construction works,
– for buildings intended for work to elaborate the method of applying the regulations of occupational safety from the study of occupational safety based on a special law,
– description of the commissioning of the electrical installation and possible description of the test run more complex
electrical installations,
– description, conditions for the execution and maintenance of signal electrical installations (electronic communication, informatics, fire alarm, intercom, antenna systems, HBES= Electronic systems of houses and buildings, KNX/EIB= European installation BUS).
3. in the calculations:
– determination of installed and peak power of electrical installation,
– calculation of drive currents and sizing of lines/cables for the supply of buildings, distribution lines/cables to individual manifolds in the building and lines / cables of end circuits,
– selection of protective devices with reference to their selectivity,
– selection of measuring and control devices,
– determination of breaking power and selection of electrical equipment according to the expected maximum short circuit current at the installation site,
– checking the switching times of protective devices for the minimum fault current for failure at the end of the circuit (the outermost point),
– possible check of thermal stresses in conductors under short circuit and fault conditions at the lowest current, since the disconnection time is the longest,
– calculation of the voltage drop from the beginning of the electrical installation to the critical end load
– lighting calculation,
– justification for performing and determining the technical characteristics of signal installations.
4. in the quality control and assurance program:
– the characteristics to be possessed by products to be installed in the electrical installation, including the relevant information laid down in the product labelling provisions for electrical installations,
– tests and procedures for demonstrating the properties and usability of products for electrical installations and electrical installations as a whole,
– performance conditions and other requirements that must be met during the execution of the electrical installation, which have an impact on the achievement of the designed or prescribed technical characteristics of the electrical installation and the fulfilment of the essential requirements for the construction works,
– requirements for the frequency of regular inspections during the maintenance of the electrical installation
– inspection and testing of electrical installations and criteria for proof of conformity with the design,
– other conditions relevant to the fulfillment of the requirements prescribed by this Regulation and special regulations.
5. in the drawings:
– the situation of the building 1:1000 with the position of the connection point to the power system (grid) and possibly to the telecommunications or other system,
– floor plans of the building at a scale of 1:100 or more (if necessary also drawings) with electrical equipment and cables/conductors to it showing the connection to the building,
– single-pole schemes of individual power installation manifolds showing all current circuits (electrical equipment in them) made in accordance with the relevant standards referred to in point B 4.1. In the single-pole scheme, an overview of auxiliary circuits for control, regulation and signaling is also given,
– for branched electrical installations in more complex buildings display of main cables/supply conductors and distribution cables/conductors to individual manifolds per building,
– floor plans with inscribed electrical equipment of signal electrical installations (telecommunications, informatics, fire alarms, intercom, antenna systems, etc.) with a scheme of operation of these installations.
6. specification of electrical equipment and works (bill of quantities of designed equipment and works).
Article 22
Where the electrical installation design is to meet the conditions laid down in Article 21. paragraph 2 point 4 this Regulation determines the application of the standards set out in Annex “B” to this Regulation in the manner specified in that Annex, the electrical installation shall be deemed to comply with the prescribed requirements.
Article 23
The requirements and characteristics of parts of the electrical installation shall comply with technological and other functional requirements and with other characteristics of the construction works.
Article 24
(1) Except for the conditions laid down in the provisions of Article 18. by 23. In accordance with this Regulation, the project of reconstruction of a building that changes the electrical installation must also contain drawings with the existing state of affairs marked before the reconstruction and information on the established existing technical characteristics of the electrical installation.
(2) The existing technical characteristics of the electrical installation for the actual state of the electrical installation before the start of the design of the reconstruction shall be determined by the inspection on the building, inspection of the documentation of the building, tests, calculations or in another appropriate way that gives the same / appropriate level of data.
(3) By way of derogation from paragraph 1. this Article for certain types of buildings, when prescribed by a special regulation adopted in accordance with the Law on Physical Planning and Construction, a study of the existing situation is made as a basis for the development of the main electrical engineering design.
Article 25
(1) The construction of the building in which the electrical installation is installed must be such that the electrical installation has appropriate technical characteristics and meets other requirements prescribed by this Regulation in accordance with the technical solution of the building and the conditions for construction given by the project and to ensure the preservation of these properties and the usability of the building during its life.
(2) When performing an electrical installation, the contractor is obliged to comply with the part of the construction project relating to the electrical installation and technical instructions for the installation and use of construction products that are installed in the electrical installation and the provisions of this Regulation.
Article 26
(1) When taking over products for electrical installations, the contractor of the electrical installation must determine:
1. whether the product for electrical installations has been supplied with the conformity mark and has the certificates of conformity in accordance with the special regulation governing the labelling of products for electrical installations and whether the information on the documentation with which the device for electrical installations was supplied corresponds with the information in the prescribed label,
2. whether the product for electrical installations is supplied with technical instructions for installation and use in Croatian,
3. whether the characteristics, including the shelf life of the product for electrical installations and the data relevant to its installation, use and impact on the characteristics and durability of the electrical installation are consistent with the characteristics and data specified by the main electrical design.
(2) Determined under paragraph 1. this Article is recorded in accordance with a special regulation on keeping a construction log, and the documentation with which the product for electrical installations is supplied is stored among the evidence of conformity of the product for electrical installations that the contractor must have on the construction site.
Article 27
(1) The prescribed properties and usability of the manifold (distribution cabinet) for the electrical installation made on the site shall be determined in the manner determined by the design and this Regulation.
(2) Information on proving usability and achieved properties of manifolds (distribution cabinets) for electrical installation referred to in paragraph 1. this Article is recorded by the contractor in accordance with a special regulation on keeping a construction log.
Article 28
(1) It is forbidden to install products for electrical installations that:
– has been delivered without a conformity mark or a certificate of conformity in accordance with a special regulation,
– was delivered without technical instructions for installation and use in Croatian,
– there are no properties required by the design or expired, i.e. whose data significant for the installation, use and impact on the properties and durability of the electrical installation do not comply with the data specified by the main design.
(2) The installation of products for electrical installations or the continuation of works must be approved by the supervising engineer by registering in the construction log in accordance with a special regulation on keeping the construction log.
Article 29
(1) The execution of an electrical installation shall be such that the electrical installation has technical characteristics and meets the requirements set out in the design and this Regulation.
(2) The conditions for the execution of an electrical installation shall be determined by a quality control and quality assurance programme, which shall be an integral part of the main design of the electrical installation at least in accordance with the provisions of Annex “C” to this Regulation.
(3) If the technical solution of the electrical installation or if the conditions in which the works are carried out and other circumstances which may be of an impact on the technical characteristics of the electrical installation are such that they are not covered by the provisions of Annex “C” of this Regulation, then the quality control and quality assurance programme shall regulate the specific construction conditions which meet the requirement referred to in paragraph 1. this article.
(4) Annex ‘C’ referred to in paragraph 2. and 3. this Article specifies the execution and maintenance of electrical installation
Article 30
(1) An electrical installation shall be deemed to have technical characteristics provided for by the design and to be usable if:
1. all products for electrical installations installed in the electrical installation in the prescribed manner and have a certificate of conformity issued in accordance with a special regulation,
2. the products for electrical installations incorporated into the electrical installation have the technical characteristics determined by the electrical installation design,
3. construction conditions and other circumstances, which may be of influence on the technical characteristics of the electrical installation were in accordance with the requirements of the design,
4. the results of the final inspection and testing of the electrical installation during the execution of the works and after the completion of the works in accordance with the prescribed values or values determined by the electrical engineering design, and if about the facts referred to in paragraph 1. by 4. There are records and/or documentation.
(2) The usability of the electrical installation shall be deemed to be demonstrated if the conditions set out in paragraph 1 are met. This article and Article 29. this regulation.
Article 31
If it is established that the electrical installation does not have the technical characteristics provided for by the design, the electrical installation must comply with the requirements of the design.
Article 32
(1) The maintenance of the electrical installation shall be such that the technical characteristics of the electrical installation are preserved throughout the life of the building and the requirements set out in the design of the building and this Regulation are met, as well as other essential requirements that the construction works must meet in accordance with a special regulation.
(2) The maintenance of an electrical installation that has been carried out or is carried out in accordance with the previously applicable regulations shall be such that the technical characteristics of the electrical installation are preserved during the life of the building and the requirements set out in the design of the building and the regulations in accordance with which the electrical installation was carried out.
Article 33
(1) Maintenance of electrical installation includes:
– regular inspections of the electrical installation at intervals and in the manner specified by the design and written statement of the contractor on the works carried out and with the conditions of maintenance of the building,
– extraordinary inspections of the electrical installation after an emergency or upon request of the inspection,
– execution of works by which the electrical installation is retained or restored to the condition determined by the design of the building and this Regulation or the regulation in accordance with which the electrical installation was carried out.
(2) The fulfillment of the prescribed conditions for the maintenance of the electrical installation shall be documented and carried out in accordance with the design of the building and the monitoring of the function and deterioration of the product for electrical installations in it, and:
– minutes (reports) of electrical installation inspections and tests carried out which shall contain at least the information listed in Annex “C” to this Regulation,
– minutes of maintenance work.
Article 34
(1) For the maintenance of the electrical installation, it is allowed to install only products for electrical installation that meet the conditions specified in the design in accordance with which the electrical installation was carried out, i.e. which have more favorable properties.
(2) For the maintenance of electrical installations, it is allowed to use only those products for electrical installations for which the prescribed conditions are met and for which a certificate of conformity has been issued according to a special regulation.
(3) The maintenance of the electrical installation or in any other way shall not jeopardize the technical characteristics of the electrical installation determined by the design or affect other technical characteristics of the building.
Article 35
(1) The provisions of this Regulation relating to the execution of electrical installation maintenance works shall be appropriately applied, relating to the execution of electrical installations.
Article 36
(1) Annexes ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ with appropriate content are an integral part of this Regulation.
(2) The Minister authorized to adopt this Regulation by a special decision shall, in addition to the norms defined by the annexes referred to in paragraph 1. this Article, specify other standards relevant to the application of this Regulation. This decision is published on the official website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction.
Article 37
(1) Day 31. [Getty Images] The approved technical rules contained in the following regulations shall cease to be used on the electrical installations covered by this Regulation:
– Ordinance on technical norms for low voltage electrical installations (“Official Gazette”, no. 53/88 and “Official Gazette”, no. 53/91 and 05/02),
– Ordinance on technical measures for devices with luminous tubes (“Official Gazette”, no. 14/67 and “Official Gazette”, no. 53/91), and
– recognised technical rules and technical specifications to the application referred to by those recognised technical rules.
(2) The main design in which the technical solution of the electrical installation is given according to the recognized
the technical rules referred to in paragraph 1. This article shall be deemed to be a valid document for:
– start of works on a building whose construction (gross) area is not more than 400 m2 and a building for performing exclusively agricultural activities whose construction (gross) area does not exceed 600 m2, for which the investor has a final decision on construction conditions, if he reports the start of construction by 30. [Getty Images] age
– issuing a master design certificate or issuing a building permit, if the application for the issuance of that certificate or permit together with the main project has been submitted by 30. [Getty Images] age.
Article 38
(1) A building or electrical installation carried out according to a confirmed main design or building permit, the integral part of which is the main design made in accordance with the recognized technical rules referred to in Article 37. paragraph 1 Products for electrical installations specified in accordance with this Regulation may be installed if they have adequate or more favourable technical characteristics, if this is determined by the detailed design and if, in accordance with that design, it has been determined that they are usable for that construction, including installation conditions and environmental influences
(2) For the purpose of implementing the provisions referred to in paragraph 1. for the part of the electrical installation that is carried out until the beginning of the installation of products for electrical installations specified in accordance with this Regulation, the condition of the works carried out must be recorded in accordance with the special regulation on keeping the construction log.
(3) Detailed design of the building referred to in paragraph 1. of this article, in the part where it relates to
electrical installation, for the installation of products for electrical installations specified in accordance with this Regulation, contain a detailed elaboration of the control and quality assurance program from the main design, which shall, in accordance with this Regulation, determine in particular:
– the characteristics that the product for the electrical installation, which shall be installed in the electrical installation, including the relevant information prescribed by the provisions on the labelling of products pursuant to the Annexes to this Regulation,
– tests and procedures for proving the usability of an electrical installation,
– building conditions of the building and other requirements that must be met during the execution of the electrical installation, which have an impact on the achievement of the designed or prescribed technical characteristics of the electrical installation and the fulfillment of the essential requirements for the construction, and
– other conditions relevant for meeting the requirements prescribed by this Regulation and special regulations, including the assessment of the mutual compliance of the means of proving the usability of parts of the electrical installation carried out until the beginning of the installation of products for electrical installations specified in accordance with this Regulation and the later derived part of the electrical installation.
(4) The provisions of paragraph 1, 2. and 3. this Article shall be appropriately applied to the main design and other documentation of a building whose construction (gross) area does not exceed 400 m2 and a building for the performance of exclusively agricultural activities whose construction (gross) area does not exceed 600 m2 for which the investor has a final decision on the conditions of construction, and which main design is made in accordance with the recognized technical rules referred to in Article 37. paragraph 1 this regulation.
Article 39
(1) If there are no technical specifications for the design of an electrical installation in accordance with Title IV of this Regulation for some products for electrical installations, the provisions of the relevant recognized technical rules, international and national standards of another country that are not contrary to the Spatial Planning and Construction Act, this Regulation and the standards to which this Regulation refers shall apply, and the designer is responsible for determining which are responsible for the spatial planning and construction act.
Article 40
(1) After 30. [Getty Images] The recognised technical rules for demonstrating the usability of products for electrical installations governing the confirmation of conformity regulated by the Annexes to this Regulation shall cease to apply, unless otherwise provided for by a special regulation.
(2) The procedures for issuing product test certificates referred to in paragraph 1. This article starts on 30. [Getty Images] In other news, The Hague-based International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has adopted a new regulation.
(3) Product test certificates referred to in paragraph 1. this Article issued under recognised technical rules shall be recognised as evidence of the usability of the device until the date of validity specified therein but not exceeding 31. [Getty Images] age.
Article 41
Until the date of accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union, the marking of lampposts corresponding to Croatian standards adopted in accordance with the principles of harmonization of European legislation is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the special regulation governing this issue.
Article 42
(1) After the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union for the design, construction and maintenance of buildings, products for electrical installations may be used in accordance with harmonization technical specifications to which this Regulation does not refer, if:
– the reference marks, the headings and the date of application of those technical specifications and the date of the end of the concurrent application of the conflicting national technical specifications have been published in the official gazette of the European Union,
– compliance with those technical specifications has been confirmed for those products for electrical installations,
– these products for electrical installations are usable in the Republic of Croatia with regard to geographical, climatic and other characteristics of the Republic of Croatia.
(2) In a building that is carried out according to the confirmed main design or construction
a permit the integral part of which is the main design made in accordance with the technical specifications referred to in this Regulation, products for electrical installations referred to in paragraph 1. this Article may be installed, if determined by the detailed design and if, in accordance with that design, it has been determined to be usable for that construction, including the conditions of its installation and environmental influences.
(3) Provisions of paragraph 1. and 2. of this Article shall be appropriately applied to the main design of a building whose construction (gross) area is not more than 400 m2 and a building for the performance of exclusively agricultural activities whose construction (gross) area is not more than 600 m2, for which the investor has a final decision on construction conditions, and which main design has been drawn up in accordance with the technical specifications referred to in this Regulation.
Article 43
(1) The first maintenance actions of an existing electrical installation that has been regularly maintained on the basis of the regulations in force so far must be carried out within four years from the last documented inspection or test.
(2) The first maintenance actions of an existing electrical installation that has not been regularly maintained on the basis of the regulations in force so far must be carried out within four years of the entry into force of this Regulation.
(3) Exceptional from item 1. and 2 of this Article the first maintenance of electrical installations for residential buildings and for residential parts of other buildings must be carried out within eight years of the entry into force of this Regulation.
Article 44
This Technical Regulation shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Official Gazette”.
Class: 360-01/07-04/11
Number: 531-01-09-30
Zagreb, 30. [Getty Images]
Marina Matulović Dropulić, B.Sc., v . r.
A.1. Purview
A.1.1. This Annex is in accordance with Article 16. item 1 This Regulation prescribes technical characteristics, the manner of certifying conformity and other requirements for products for electrical installations: manifolds (distribution cabinets) for electrical installations, cables/conductors for distribution systems for electrical installations, protective, control, measuring, monitoring and switching devices, electrical installation accessories (cable control systems, plug accessories, switches, switches and the like, connectors, boxes, etc.), and other products covered by the general term electrical equipment and lighting poles.
A.1.2. Technical characteristics and other requirements, and the certification of conformity of the product referred to in point A.1.1. this Annex shall be determined or implemented, depending on the type of product, according to points A.1.2.1. and A 1.2.2. this annex.
A.1.2.1. Technical characteristics and other requirements, and certification of conformity for: manifolds (distribution cabinets) for electrical installations, cables/conductors for distribution systems for electrical installations, protective, control, measuring, monitoring and switching devices, electrical installation accessories (cable control systems, plug-in accessories, switches, switches and the like, connecting devices, boxes, etc.) and other products covered by the general term electrical equipment are determined or implemented, depending on the type of product, according to the rules prescribed by the regulations referred to in point A.5.1. this annex.
A.1.2.2. The technical characteristics and other requirements and the certification of conformity for lampposts shall be determined or carried out according to the relevant standards referred to in point A.5.2. this Annex, the standards to which those standards refer and the provisions of this Annex, and in accordance with the provisions of the specific regulation.
A.2. Specified properties, confirmation of conformity, proof of usability and marking
A.2.1. Specified properties
A.2.1.1. The technical characteristics of the electrical installation product shall meet the general and specific requirements relevant to the characteristics of the electrical installation.
A.2.1.2. Technical characteristics of the product referred to in point A.1.2.1. this Annex shall be specified in accordance with the standards referred to in point A.5.1 of this Annex and the relevant standards referred to in point A.5.1. of this Annex, for all characteristics relating to the fulfilment of the essential requirements for the construction works.
A.2.1.3. Technical characteristics of the product referred to in point A.1.2.2. this Annex shall be specified in accordance with the standards referred to in point A.5.2. this Annex, the standards to which those standards refer and the provisions of this Annex.
A.2.1.4. Provisions of point A.2.1.1. and A.2.1.2. appropriately applies to manifolds (distribution cabinets) for electrical installations made according to the electrical installation design.
A.2.2. Confirmation of conformity, proof of usability
A.2.2.1. Confirmation of the conformity of the products referred to in point A.1.2.1. for all the characteristics of those products determined by those standards which are relevant for meeting the essential requirements for construction works, it shall be carried out in accordance with the rules laid down in the regulations referred to in point A.5.1. this annex.
A.2.2.2. Confirmation of the conformity of the products referred to in point A.1.2.2. this Annex shall be implemented according to the procedure and criteria of the Annex ZA of the standards referred to in point A.5.2. this annex.
A.2.2.3. Proving the usability of a manifold (distribution cabinet) for electrical installations made according to the electrical installation design is carried out according to the procedure and criteria given in the electrical installation project.
A.2.3. Marking
A.2.3.1. Products referred to in point A.1.2.1. this Annex shall be indicated on the shipment and on the packaging or on the product, depending on the type of product according to the rules laid down in the regulations referred to in point A.5.1 of this Annex.
A.2.3.2. Products referred to in point A.1.2.2. this Annex shall be labelled on the shipment and on the packaging or on the product, depending on the type of product according to the relevant standard referred to in point A.5.2. this Annex, the standards to which those standards refer and the provisions of this Annex. The label must contain a reference to the relevant standard, in accordance with a special regulation.
A.3. Examination
A.3.1. Sampling of products referred to in point A.1.2.1. this Annex shall be implemented in accordance with the rules laid down in the regulations referred to in point A.5.1. this annex.
A.3.2. Sampling of products referred to in point A.1.2.2. it is implemented according to the relevant standard referred to in point A.5.2. this Annex and the standards to which those standards refer.
A.4. Inspection of construction products before installation
A.4.1. A product for an electrical installation for which conformity has been confirmed in the manner specified in this Annex and a certificate of conformity issued may be incorporated into the construction works if it complies with the design requirements of that construction.
A.4.2. Before installing the electrical installation products, appropriate checks and control actions set out in Annex “C” of this Regulation shall be carried out.
A.5. List of regulations and norms
A.5.1. Regulations
1. Ordinance on electrical equipment intended for use within certain
voltage limits (“Official Gazette” no. 101/09).
2. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Regulations
(“Official Gazette” no. 112/08)
3. Regulations on the safety of machinery (“Official Gazette” no. 97/09).
A.5.2. Norms
HRN EN 40-4:2008 – Lampposts -– 4. Part: Requirements for reinforced and prestressed concrete concrete lighting poles (EN 40-4:2005+AC:2006)
HRN EN 40-5:2008 – Lampposts -– 5. Part: Requirements for steel lighting poles (EN 40-5:2002)
HRN EN 40-6:2008 – Lampposts -– 6. Part: Requirements for aluminum lampposts (EN 40-6:2002)
HRN EN 40-7:2008 – Lampposts -– 7. Part: Requirements for polymer lampposts (EN 40-7:2002)
B.1. Purview
B.1.1. This Annex is in accordance with Article 20. This Regulation prescribes rules for the design of electrical installations, unless otherwise stipulated by this Regulation.
B.2. Design and budget
B.2.1. For the basics of the calculation of electrical installation, the Croatian standards referred to in point B.4 are applied. the norms to which these norms refer,
B.3. Technical characteristics of electrical installation parts
B.3.1. The technical characteristics of products for electrical installations which are components of an electrical installation shall be specified in the main design, in the part relating to electrical installations.
B.4. List of norms
B.4 List of standards for the design, execution and maintenance of low voltage electrical installations
B.4.1. Design standards – graphic part – list of standards
HRN EN 60027-1:2008 – Letter symbols for use in electrical engineering – – 1. Part: General (IEC 60027-1:1995+am1:1997+am2:2005; EN 60027-1:2006+A2:2007)
HRN EN 60027-2:2008 – Letter symbols for use in electrical engineering – – 2. Part: Telecommunications and Electronics (IEC 60027-2:2005); EN 60027-2:2007)
HRN EN 60027-3:2008 – Letter symbols for use in electrical engineering – – 3. Part: Logarithmic and related sizes and their units (IEC 60027-3:2002); EN 60027-3:2007)
HRN EN 60027-4:2008 – Letter symbols for use in electrical engineering – – 4. Part: Swivel electric machinery (IEC 60027-4:2006; EN 60027-4:2007)
HRN EN 60027-6:2008 – Letter symbols for use in electrical engineering – – 6. Part: Control Technology (IEC 60027-6:2006; EN 60027-6:2007)
EN 60445:2008 – Basic and safety principles for human-machine interface, marking and recognition – Recognition of equipment clamps and conductor endings
(IEC 60445:2006 MOD; EN 60445:2007)
HRN EN 60446:2008 – Basic and safety principles for human interface – machine, marking and recognition – Detection of conductors by colors or letters and numbers (alphanumeric) (IEC 60446:2007; EN 60446:2007)
HRN EN 60447:2008 – Basic and safety principles for human-machine interface, marking and recognition – Principles of activation (IEC 60447:2004; EN 60447:2004)
HRN EN 60073:2008 – Basic and safety principles for human-machine interface, marking and recognition – Coding principles for indicators (indicators) and actuators (IEC 60073:2002; EN 60073:2002)
HRN EN 61082-1:2008 – Preparation of documents used in electrical engineering – – – 1. Part: Rules (IEC 61082-1:2006; EN 61082-1:2006)
EN 81346-1:20XX – Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products – Structural principles and reference to labels – – 1. Part: Basic rules
(IEC 81346-1:2009; EN 81346:2009)
EN 81346-2:20XX – Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products – Structural principles and reference to labels – – 2. Part: Classification and class codes (IEC 81346-2: 2009; EN 81346: 2009)
B.4.2 Standards with technical requirements for electrical installations
HRN IEC 60050-826: 2008 – International Electrotechnical Dictionary – 826. Chapter: Electrical installations of buildings (IEC 60050-826: 2004)
HRN HD 60364-1: 2008 – Low voltage electrical installations – – – 1. Part: Basic principles, determination of general characteristics, definitions (IEC 60364-1: 2005, MOD = recast;
(HD 60364-1: 2008)
HRN HD 60364-4-41: 2007 – Low voltage electrical installations – – – 4 – 41. Part: Safety protection – Electric shock protection (IEC 60364-4-41: 2005,MOD;
HD 60364-4-41: 2007)
HRN HD 384.4.42 S1: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – – 4. Part: Safety protection -42. chapter: Protection against thermal effects (IEC 60364-4-42: 1980, MOD;
HD 384.4.42 S1: 1985+A1: 1992+A2: 1994)
HRN HD 384.4.43 S2: 2002 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 4. Part: Security Protection – 43. chapter: Overcurrent protection (IEC 60364-4-43: 1977 +am1: 1997,MOD;
HD 384.4.43 S2: 2001)
HRN HD 384.4.442 S1: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – – 4. Part: Security protection – 44. Chapter: Surge Protection – 442. section: Protection of low-voltage installations from earth circuits in high-voltage networks (HD 384.4.442 S1: 1997)
HRN HD 60364-4-443: 2007 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 4 – 44. Part: Safety protection– Protection against voltage and electromagnetic disturbances – 443. point: Surge protection against atmospheric and switching surges (IEC 60364-4-44: 2001/am1: 2003 MOD;
HD 60364-4-443: 2006)
HRN R064-004: 2003 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – Protection against electromagnetic interference (EMI) in building installations (IEC 60364-4-444: 1996; R064-004: 1999)
HRN HD 384.4.45 S1: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 4. Part: Security protection – 45. Chapter: Undervoltage Protection (IEC 60364-4-45: 1984; HD 384.4.45 S1: 1989)
HRN HD 384.4.46 S1: 2002 – Electrical installations of buildings – 4. Part: Security Protection – 46. Chapter: Separation and Assembly (IEC 60364-4-46: 1981, MOD; HD 384.4.46 S2: 2001)
HRN HD 384.4.482 S1: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – – 4. Part: Security protection – 48. Chapter: Choice of safeguards depending on external influences – 482. section: Fire protection where there are special hazards or dangers
(HD 384.4.482 S1: 1997+corr.: 1997-07)
HRN HD 60364-5-51: 20XX – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 5-51. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – Common (general) rules (IEC 60364-5-51: 2005, MOD;
HD 60364-5-51: 2009)
HRN HD 384.5.52 S1: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 5. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – 52. Chapter: Distribution systems (Laying lines and cables)
(IEC 60364-5-52: 1993,MOD; HD 384.5.52 S1:1995+A1:1998+corr.: 1998-09)
HRN HD 384.5.523 S2: 2002 – Electrical installations of buildings – – 5. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – 52. Chapter: Distribution systems (lines and cables) – 523. section: Permanently withstand currents (IEC 60364-5-523: 1999; HD 384.5.523 S2: 2001)
HRN IEC 60364-5-53: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – 5. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – 53. Chapter: Switchgear and Control Devices (IEC 60364-5-53: 1994 +corr.1996)
HRN HD 60364-5-534: 2008 – Low voltage electrical installations – – – 5 – 53. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – Separation, assembly and control – 534. point: Surge protective devices (IEC 60364-5-534: 2001/ am1: 2002 (item 534), MOD;
HD 60364-5-534: 2008)
HRN HD 384.5.537 S2: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – – 5. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – 53. Chapter: Switchgear and Control Devices – 537 section: Separation and assembly devices (IEC 60364-5-537: 1981, +am1: 1989,MOD;
HD 384.5.537 S2: 1998)
HRN HD 60364-5-54: 2007 – Low voltage electrical installations – – – 5-54. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – Grounding and protective conductors – (IEC 60364-5-54: 2002 MOD; HD 60364-5-54: 2007)
HRN HD 384.5.551 S1: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 5. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – 55. chapter – Other equipment – 551. section: Low voltage electrical sources (IEC 60364-5-551: 1994; HD 384.5.551 S1: 1997)
HRN HD 60364-5-559: 2007 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 5-55. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – Other equipment – Lamps and lighting installations
(IEC 60364-5-559: 2001 MOD; HD 60364-5-559: 2005)
HRN HD 384.5.56 S1: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 5. Part: Selection and installation of electrical equipment – 56. Chapter: Provisions for Security Purposes
(IEC 60364-5-56: 1980,MOD; HD 384.5.56 S1: 1985)
HRN HD 60364-7-701: 2007 – Low voltage electrical installations – – 7-701. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Bath or shower space
(IEC 60364-7-701: 2006 MOD; (HD 60364-7-701: 2007)
HRN HD 384.7.702 S2: 2004 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 7. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – 702. section: Swimming pools and other pools
(IEC 60364-7-702: 1997; HD 384.7.702 S2: 2002)
HRN HD 60364-7-703: 2007 – Electrical installations of buildings – – 7-703. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Rooms and cabins with sauna heaters
(IEC 60364-7-703: 2004; HD 60364-7-703: 2005)
HRN HD 60364-7-704: 2007 – Low voltage electrical installations – – – 7-704. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Installations of construction sites and demolition sites (IEC 60364-7-704: 2005 MOD; HD 60364-7-704: 2007)
HRN HD 60364-7-705: 2007 – Low voltage electrical installations – – – 7-705. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Farming and gardening premises
(IEC 60364-7-705: 2006 MOD;(HD 60364-7-705: 2007)
HRN HD 60364-7-706: 2007 – Low voltage electrical installations – 7-706. Part: Requirements for special installations or spaces – Conductive spaces with limited freedom of movement (IEC 60364-7-706: 2005 MOD; HD 60364-7-706: 2007)
HRN HD 60364-7-708: 20XX – Low voltage electrical installations of buildings – –
7-708. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Campsites or similar premises
(IEC 60364-7-708: 2007, MOD; HD 60364-7-708: 2009)
HRN HD 60364-7-709: 20XX – Low voltage electrical installations – – – 7-709. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Marinas and similar premises
(IEC 60364-7-709: 2007, MOD; HD 60364-7-709: 2009)
HRN IEC 60364-7-710: 2004 – Electrical installations of buildings – 7-710. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Premises for medical use (IEC 60364-7-710: 2002)
HRN HD 384.7.711 S1: 2004 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 7-711. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Exhibitions, shows and stands (sales tables)
(IEC 60364-7-711: 1998, MOD; HD 384.7.711S1: 2003)
HRN HD 60364-7-712: 2007 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 7-712. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy supply systems (IEC 60364-7-712: 2002MOD; HD 60364-7-712: 2005)
HRN IEC 60364-7-713: 1999 – Electrical installations of buildings – 7. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – 713. section: Furniture (IEC 60364-7-713: 1996)
HRN HD 384.7.714 S1: 2001 – Electrical installations of buildings – – 7. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – 714. section: Outdoor lighting installations
(IEC 60364-7-714: 1996,MOD; HD 384.7.714 S1:2000)
HRN HD 60364-7-715: 2007 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 7.-715. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Low voltage lighting installations
(IEC 60364-7-715: 1999, MOD; HD 60364-7-715: 2005)
HRN HD 60364-7-717: 2007 – Electrical installations of buildings – – – 7.-717. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Mobile and transportable units
(IEC 60364-7-717: 2001 MOD; HD 60364-7-717: 2004)
HRN HD 60364-7-729: 20XX – Low voltage electrical installations – – – 7-729. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Operating and maintenance passes
(IEC 60364-7-729: 2007,MOD; HD 60364-7-729: 2009)
HRN HD 60364-7-740: 2007 – Electrical installations of buildings – – 7.-740. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – Temporary installations for facilities, amusement devices and exhibition spaces at fairgrounds, amusement parks and circuses
(IEC 60364-7-740: 2000,MOD; HD 60364-7-740: 2006)
HRN HD 384.7.753 S1: 2004 – Electrical installations of buildings – – 7. Part: Requirements for special installations or premises – 753. section: Floor and ceiling heating systems
(HD 384.7.753 S1: 2002)
HRN CLC/TR 50479: 2007 – Instructions for electrical installation – – Selection and installation of electrical equipment – Distribution systems (Disconnection of lines and cables) – Limiting the heating (temperature rise) of connecting interfaces (CLC/TR 50479: 2007)
HRN R064-003: 1999 – Instruction for determining the cross-section of conductors and selecting protective devices (R064-003: 1998)
HRN HD 308 S2: 2002 – Recognition of cores in cables and supple connection lines (HD 308 S2: 2001)
HRN HD 193 S2: 2001 – Voltage areas for electrical installations of buildings
(IEC 60449: 1973, + am1: 1979; HD 193 S2: 1982)
EN 61140: 2002 + A1: 2007 – Protection against electric shock – Common views on installation and equipment (IEC 61140: 2001+am1: 2004 MOD,
EN 61140: 2002+A1: 2006)
B.4.3 Other standards
HRN HD 472 S1: 1998 + 1: 2008 – Rated voltages for low voltage public electrical supply systems (networks) (IEC 60038: 1983 MOD, HD 472 S1: 1988 + A1: 1995+AC: 2002)
EN 60529: 2000+A1: 2008 – Degrees of protection secured by enclosures (IP code)
(IEC 60529:1989+am1:1999; EN 60529: 1991+corr 1:1993+A1:2000)
HRN EN 50310: 2008 – Application of measures for equalization and grounding in buildings with information technology equipment (EN 50310: 2006)
HRN EN 50173-1: 2008 – Information technology, Generic cabling systems – – – 1. Part: General requirements (EN 50173-1:2007)
HRN EN 50173-2: 2008 – Information technology – Generic cabling systems – – – 2. Part: Office buildings (EN 50179-2: 2007)
EN 50173-3: 2008 – Information technology – Generic cabling systems – – – 3. Part: Industrial buildings (EN 50173-3: 2007)
HRN EN 50173-4: 2008 – Information techniques – Generic cabling systems – – – 4. Part: Houses (EN 50173-4: 2007)
EN 50173-5: 2008 – Information technology – Generic cabling systems – –
Part 5: Data Centers (EN 50173-5: 2007)
EN 50174-1: 2008 – Information technology-Cabling installation – – – 1. Part: Installation specification and quality assurance (EN 50174-1:2008)
EN 50174-2: 2008 – Information technology – Cabling installation – 2. Part: Installation planning and practice within buildings (EN 50174-2: 2008)
EN 50174-3: 2008 – Information technology – Cabling installation – – – 3. Part: Installation planning and out-of-building practice (EN 50174-3: 2003)
C.1. Purview
C.1.1. This Annex in accordance with Article 29. item 4 this Regulation prescribes technical and other requirements and conditions for the execution of electrical installations, supervisory actions and control procedures, and maintenance of electrical installation, unless otherwise stipulated by this Regulation.
C.1.2. Technical and other requirements and conditions referred to in point C.1.1. this Annex shall be implemented in accordance with the standards referred to in point B.4.2, B.4.3. and C.4, the standards to which those standards refer and the provisions of this Annex, and in accordance with the provisions of the specific regulation.
C.2. Execution, installation, usability, supervisory actions and control procedures on the site
C.2.1. Execution and installation
C.2.1.1. Electrical installation on the construction site is carried out according to the technical solution given in the design of the building with the installation of products for electrical installations that meet the requirements according to the provisions of this Regulation, according to the technical instruction for the construction, installation and use of these products, standards referred to in point B.4.2. and B.4.3., the standards to which those standards refer and the provisions of a special regulation.
C.2.1.2. The handling, storage and protection of products for electrical installations from which the electrical installation is derived shall comply with the requirements and technical specifications for those products, in accordance with the design of the building and the provisions of this Annex and the provisions of the specific regulation.
C.2.1.3. Before the start of the electrical installation, the contractor of the electrical installation shall verify that the products for electrical installations comply with the requirements of the electrical design and that their damage, deformation or other changes have occurred during the handling and storage of those products which would be of influence on the technical characteristics of the electrical installation.
C.2.1.4. The supervising engineer immediately before the start of the electrical installation must:
(a) verify that there are documents of conformity in accordance with special regulations for products for electrical installations installed in electrical installations and that the demonstrated characteristics comply with the requirements of the electrical design;
(b) verify that the devices for electrical installations are installed in accordance with the electrical design and/or technical instructions for the installation of those products;
c) document the findings of all checks and tests carried out on parts of the electrical installation during construction by writing in the construction log.
C.2.2. Usability of electrical installation
C.2.2.1. When proving the usability of an electrical installation, one should take into account:
(a) records in the construction log on the properties and other data on products for electrical installations incorporated into the electrical installation;
b) the results of supervisory actions and control procedures that are obligatory to be carried out in accordance with this Regulation before, during and after the installation of products for electrical installations in the electrical installation,
c) evidence of usability (results of ongoing tests, records of procedures carried out, etc.) provided by the contractor during the execution of the electrical installation,
(d) the results of control tests determined by electrotechnical design or tests carried out in case of doubt;
e) the conditions of construction and other circumstances that according to the construction log and other documentation the contractor must have on the site, and the documentation that the manufacturer of the product for electrical installations must have, and may be of influence on the technical characteristics of the electrical installation,
(f) the results of the final test of the electrical installation, which shall determine whether the electrical installation as a whole meets the requirements laid down in the electrical design.
C.2.2.2. Ongoing and control tests shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the main design of the building and point C.2.1. this annex.
C.2.2.3. The final inspection and testing of the electrical installation shall be carried out by appropriate use of measuring and testing equipment according to HRN HD 60364-6 and the standards to which that standard refers, and the provisions of this Annex. The examination and tests carried out shall be recorded.
C.2.2.4. For parts of the electrical installation that will not be accessible when the construction of the structure is completed, inspections and tests of these parts of the electrical installation will be carried out during the construction of the structure. A record shall be drawn up of the inspections and tests carried out of such parts of the electrical installation, and the data that the examinations and tests have been carried out shall be recorded in the construction log.
C.2.2.5. Minutes referred to in point C.2.2.3. together with the minutes of the tests carried out during the construction of the structure referred to in point C.2.2.4. they are attached to the documentation for technical inspection of the building.
C.2.3. Subsequent proof of the technical characteristics of the electrical installation
C.2.3.1. For an electrical installation which does not have the technical characteristics provided for in the design or cannot be established due to a lack of necessary documentation, subsequent tests and subsequent calculations shall determine the technical characteristics of the electrical installation by appropriate application of the standards referred to in point B.4.2, B.4.3. and C.4. and the standards to which those standards refer, and the provisions of this Annex and the specific Regulations.
C.2.3.2. In order to determine the technical characteristics of the electrical installation referred to in point C.2.3.1. appropriate data on electrical installations should be collected to the extent and extent enabling an assessment of the degree of compliance with the essential requirements of fire protection, safety in use, noise protection and energy savings and thermal protection.
C.3. Maintenance of electrical installation
C.3.1. Operations in the context of the maintenance of an electrical installation shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Annex and the standards referred to in this Annex, and by appropriate application of the provisions of Annexes ‘A’ and ‘B’ of this Regulation.
C.3.2. The frequency of regular inspections for the purpose of maintaining the electrical installation shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction design, but not less often than:
– four years for public buildings, unless a different deadline is stipulated by special regulations,
– four years for electrical installations for safety purposes, unless special regulations stipulate a different time limit,
– fifteen years for buildings or parts of buildings for residential purposes,
– four years for all other buildings or parts thereof.
C.3.2.1. The method of carrying out regular inspections of the electrical installation shall be determined by the design of the construction, and shall include at least:
(a) an inspection involving determining whether all parts of the electrical installation are in working order;
(b) measurements to determine whether the electrical installation as a whole meets the requirements set out in the design of the building, which includes testing the electrical installation using HRN HD 60364-6, the standards to which that standard refers, and the provisions of this Annex, except for the insulation resistance test if the state of the electrical installation does not indicate the need for such testing, and the results of the inspection and the established condition of parts of the electrical installation shall be recorded in the record.
C.3.2.2. An extraordinary inspection of an electrical installation shall be carried out after any change to the same, after any emergency which may affect the technical characteristics of the electrical installation or raise doubts about the usability of the electrical installation and upon request from the inspection supervision.
C.3.3. The replacement of parts of the electrical installation must be carried out in such a way that those works do not affect the existing technical characteristics of the construction.
C.3.3.1. Products replacing certain parts of an existing electrical installation must comply with the requirements of this Regulation.
C.3.3.2. The replacement of the components of the existing electrical installation and their installation shall be such that the electrical installation after installation meets the minimum requirements from the design of the building and this Regulation.
C.3.4. The documentation of the examinations referred to in point C.3.2. and the installation of parts of the electrical installation referred to in point C.3.3. this Annex as well as other documentation on the maintenance of the electrical installation is obliged to be permanently kept by the owner of the building.
C.3.5. A record shall be drawn up about the conducted regular inspection and extraordinary inspection and the electrical installation test, which must contain data in accordance with the requirements of HRN HD 60364-6.
C.4. List of norms
For the execution and maintenance of electrical installations, the standards referred to in points B.4.2 and B.4.3 of this Regulation shall apply.
To check the electrical installation, the standard applies:
HRN HD 60364-6:2007 Low voltage electrical installations -– 6. Part: Verification (IEC 60364-6: 2006, MOD; HD 60364-6:2007)
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Branimir Milanković
Voditelj odjela prodaje i marketinga
s preko 15 godina iskustva