Fire protection regulations of catering facilities
1. April 2020.Ordinance on the conditions that must be met by legal and natural persons who perform the activity of compulsory disinfection, disinsection and pest control as measures for the prevention and suppression of infectious diseases of the population
“Official Gazette”, No. 79/07, 113/08, 43/09, 22/14 – RUSRH, 130/17, 114/18, 47/20, 134/20 and 143/21
Article 1.
This Act establishes infectious diseases whose prevention and suppression is of interest to the Republic of Croatia, as well as measures for the protection of the population from infectious diseases.
Article 2.
An epidemic of an infectious disease, according to this Law, is considered to be an increase in the disease from an infectious disease unusual in the number of cases, time, place and affected population and an unusual increase in the number of diseases with complications or deaths, as well as the occurrence of two or more interrelated diseases from infectious diseases, which have never or for several years appeared in one area and the occurrence of a large number of diseases whose cause is unknown, Follow the febrile situation.
An infected area, according to this Law, is an area where there is one or more sources of infection and where there are conditions for the emergence and spread of infection.
An endangered area, according to this Law, is considered to be an area to which an infectious disease can be transmitted from an infected area and where there are conditions for the spread of infection.
The Minister responsible for Health (hereinafter: the Minister), at the proposal of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, by a special decision declares the danger of an epidemic of an infectious disease and determines the infected or endangered area. The decision declaring the threat of an epidemic of an infectious disease is published in the “Official Gazette”.
The Government of the Republic of Croatia, at the proposal of the Minister, declares an epidemic of an infectious disease by a special decision and determines the infected area. The decision declaring an epidemic of an infectious disease is published in the “Official Gazette”.
Article 3.
The list of infectious diseases whose prevention and suppression is of interest to the Republic of Croatia is adopted by the Minister.
If there is a risk of an infectious disease not determined by the List of Communicable Diseases referred to in paragraph 1. This Article of this Article, which may endanger the population of the Republic of Croatia, the Minister may decree that the measures specified in this Law as well as other necessary measures shall apply to this infectious disease.
In the event of a threat of an infectious disease not specified in the List of Communicable Diseases referred to in paragraph 1. the Government of the Republic of Croatia, at the proposal of the Minister, may declare such a disease as an infectious disease whose prevention and suppression is of interest to the Republic of Croatia, as well as determine appropriate measures, conditions, manner of implementation, executors and means of implementation.
In the event of a declaration of an epidemic of an infectious disease or a threat of an epidemic of an infectious disease in accordance with the provisions of Article 2. Items 4. and 5 of this Act or if the threat of an epidemic or pandemic of an infectious disease has been declared by the World Health Organization or the competent authority of the European Union, the Government of the Republic of Croatia is authorized, at the proposal of the Minister, to determine the essential interest of the Republic of Croatia in the procurement of goods, services and works in order to prevent and combat this infectious disease.
Article 4.
Public law bodies are obliged to ensure the implementation of measures for the protection of the population from infectious diseases prescribed by this Act and the means for their implementation, as well as expert supervision over the implementation of these measures.
A public law body, within the meaning of this Act, is considered to be a legislative, executive and judicial body of state power, a state administration body and other state body, a body of local and regional self-government units, a legal person with public authority and a legal person performing a public service (public service provider).
A responsible person in a public law body, within the meaning of this Act, is considered to be the head of the state authority body, the head of the state administration body, the head of another state body, the prefect, the mayor and the municipal mayor and the legal representative of the legal entity, in accordance with special regulations.
Legal entities performing health activities and private health workers are obliged to implement measures to protect the population from infectious diseases prescribed by this Act.
Article 5.
The annual program of measures to protect the population from infectious diseases is adopted by the Minister at the proposal of the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
On the basis of the programme referred to in paragraph 1. this article, the annual program of measures for the protection of the population from infectious diseases for the area of the municipality, city, county, or city of Zagreb, is adopted by the municipal mayor, mayor, prefect, i.e. mayor of the City of Zagreb, at the proposal of the competent institute of public health.
Programs from item 1. And 2. this Article shall be adopted no later than 31. In accordance with Article 10(1) of January for the current years, they shall set out measures, programme executors, funds, deadlines and the method of payment and implementation of the programme.
Article 6.
The protection of the population from infectious diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans is carried out by legal persons carrying out health activities and private health workers, in cooperation with the competent authorities established by the regulations on veterinary activity, consisting of mutual reporting on the occurrence and movement of these diseases and the organization and implementation of anti-epidemic, hygienic and other prevention measures, i.e. suppression of certain infectious diseases.
Article 7.
Every legal and natural person is obliged to act in accordance with the measures for the protection of the population from infectious diseases determined by this Act and the regulations adopted on the basis of it.
Persons suffering from infectious diseases have the right and obligation to treat and comply with the prescribed measures and instructions of legal entities performing health activities and private health workers.
Persons who constantly or occasionally secrete sprouts of an infectious disease are obliged to comply with the prescribed measures and instructions determined by the competent doctor of general (family) medicine, i.e. a doctor of medicine specialist in epidemiology.
Article 8.
Every legal and natural person is obliged to enable the competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate, as well as the competent doctor of general (family) medicine, i.e. a doctor of medicine, epidemiology specialist, to perform supervision unhindered and to take the prescribed measures to protect the population from infectious diseases.
Article 9.
The protection of the population from infectious diseases is achieved through mandatory measures to prevent and combat infectious diseases that may be:
And the general measures,
B special measures,
C security measures,
D other measures.
Article 10
General measures for the prevention and control of infectious diseases are implemented in facilities subject to sanitary supervision, i.e. in buildings, plants, premises, on the appliances and equipment of persons performing economic activities and in activities in the field of health, education, social welfare, catering, tourism, crafts and services, sports and recreation, facilities for public water supply and wastewater disposal and landfills for municipal waste disposal, in the activity of public transport, in and around residential buildings, in public areas and public buildings in cities and settlements and other facilities of public health and communal importance.
General measures to prevent and combat infectious diseases are:
- ensuring the safety of food, including the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents, articles of general use and sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions of production and trade thereof according to special regulations,
- ensuring the safety of water for human consumption and sanitary protection of zones of sources and facilities or devices used for the public supply of water for human consumption according to special regulations,
- ensuring the safety of bathing, pool waters, fountain waters and other waters of public health interest,
- ensuring sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions on surfaces, premises or facilities referred to in paragraph 1. this article,
- ensuring sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions for wastewater, ballast water drainage and waste disposal,
- ensuring the conduct of disinfection, disinsection and pest control as a general measure on surfaces, premises, premises or facilities referred to in paragraph 1. this article.
Disinfection, disinsection and pest control as a general measure is carried out in order to maintain hygiene and reduce, stop growth and reproduction or completely eliminate the presence of microorganisms, harmful arthropods (Arthropods) and harmful rodents.
Disinfection as a general measure means mechanical, physical or chemical measures taken with the aim of destroying, slowing the growth and reproduction or eliminating most microorganisms on surfaces, in premises, facilities, devices, accessories and equipment referred to in paragraph 1. this article.
Disinfection as a general measure implies both daily and constant disinfection of accessories, items, equipment, work surfaces and sanitary facilities in all facilities where food is prepared, produced, stored or served and in facilities subject to sanitary supervision, and are obliged to be carried out by users of surfaces, premises or facilities referred to in paragraph 1. this article, as a continuous daily process in maintaining the hygiene of personal or business premises.
Disinsection as a general measure implies mechanical, physical, biological or chemical measures that are implemented in order to prevent detention, reproduction, reduce the number of harmful arthropods (Arthropoda) and maintain their number below the threshold of harm, in order to ensure quality hygienic and sanitary – technical conditions on surfaces, premises and facilities referred to in paragraph 1. this article.
Pest control as a general measure means mechanical, physical, chemical and other physical or construction-technical measures that create adverse conditions for the entry, retention and reproduction of harmful rodents, and which are carried out in order to prevent the entry, retention, reproduction and reduction of the number of harmful rodents on surfaces, premises and facilities referred to in paragraph 1. this article.
Ordinance on sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions of facilities referred to in paragraph 1 this article, on sanitary-technical and hygienic conditions of swimming pools and on the conditions of health safety of bathing, swimming pool and ballast waters, fountain waters and other waters of public health interest is adopted by the Minister.
The Ordinance on monitoring zoonoses and zoonotic agents in facilities under sanitary supervision is adopted by the Minister.
Article 11
Legal and natural persons who are users of facilities under sanitary supervision referred to in Article 10 item 1 this Act is obliged to enable the implementation of disinfection, disinsection and pest control as a general measure for the prevention and control of infectious diseases.
Disinfection, disinsection and pest control as a general measure, except for the daily disinfection referred to in Article 10. item 5 this Act, is carried out by legal entities performing health activities and other legal entities if they meet the prescribed conditions.
Ordinance on the conditions regarding the professional qualifications of workers, technical equipment, premises and other conditions of legal entities referred to in paragraph 2 This article is made by the Minister.
Supervision of the implementation of general disinfection, disinfection and pest control measures is the responsibility of sanitary inspectors of the State Inspectorate.
Article 12
Specific measures to prevent and combat infectious diseases are:
- early detection of the source of infection and routes of transmission of infection,
- laboratory testing of the causative agent of an infectious disease, that is, an epidemic of an infectious disease,
- registration
- transport, isolation in one’s own home or other appropriate space – self-isolation, isolation and treatment of patients,
- carrying out preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control,
- health supervision of clinicians, employees and other persons,
- health education of persons,
- immunization, seroprophylaxis and chemoprophylaxis and
- informing health workers and the population.
- Early detection of the source of infection and routes of transmission of infection
Article 13
For the early detection of the source of infection and transmission routes, the following shall be carried out:
1) epidemiological-field survey,
2) epidemiological examination, including surveying:
- a) in the occurrence of a single case of Brill-Zinsser disease, brucellosis, enterocolitis caused by E.coli 0157, tuberculosis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, viral jaundice, rabies, malaria, measles, meningococcal disease, Q fever, acquired immunity deficiency syndrome, hiv antibody carrier, abdominal typhoid, paratyphoid, freckle, return fever, polio, acute flabby paralysis, congenital rubella embryopathy, diphtheria, gonorrhea, syphilis, black pimple, leprosy, tularemia, trichinellosis, Legionnaires’ disease, leishmaniasis, ornithosis-psittacosis, botulism, Creutzfeldt– Jacob’s disease (CJ and vCJ), salmonellosis, dysentery, SARS, COVID-19 caused by the ¬SARS-CoV-2 virus and other diseases according to the epidemiological indication,
- b) at the occurrence or risk of cholera, plague and viral hemorrhagic fevers,
- c) at the onset of an epidemic of infectious diseases.
3) health checks of people who have recovered from abdominal typhus, viral jaundice type B and C, and according to epidemiological indications and after recovered dysentery and salmonellosis,
4) health examination of persons suspected of being ill or carrying germs (germs) of infectious diseases referred to in point 2. this article or other infectious diseases,
5) epidemiological examination and health examination of persons who are ill or suspected of suffering from infectious diseases of unknown pathogens,
6) examination of donor blood and cells, tissues, organs for transplantation and seminal fluid for the presence of markers of infectious diseases.
For the early detection of the source of infection and transmission routes, the tasks referred to in paragraph 1. points 1-5 this article is carried out by the competent public health institutes, which must ensure the permanent preparedness of doctors of medicine, epidemiology specialists, as well as funds for material expenditures and compensation for carrying out preparedness. Jobs referred to in paragraph 1 points 6 this article is carried out by competent health institutions.
- Laboratory testing of infectious diseases, i.e. epidemics of infectious diseases
Article 14
Laboratory testing of the causative agent of infectious diseases is carried out at the occurrence or suspected occurrence of the following infectious diseases: acute flabby paralysis, rabies, botulism, Brill-Zinsser’s disease, brucellosis, black pimple, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJ and vCJ), polio, diphtheria, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, purulent meningitis, purulent meningitis, congenital rubella embryopathy, cappuccino, cholera, tick meningoencephalitis, plague, Legionnaires’ disease, leprosy, leprosy, lechema, lechema, lechmaniasis, Lyme – borreliosis, malaria, meningococcal disease, measles, ortinose-psittacosis, freckle, return fever, rubella, Q fever, SARS, COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, sepsis, syphilis, acquired immunity deficiency syndrome, abdominal typhoid, trichinellosis, tuberculosis, tularemia, viral jaundice type B and C, viral hemorrhagic fever and yellow fever.
Laboratory testing of the causative agent of infectious diseases shall also be carried out in case of occurrence or danger of an epidemic of an infectious disease referred to in Article 3. item 1 this law.
Laboratory testing of the causative agents of infectious diseases is carried out in microbiological laboratories of legal and natural persons performing health activities.
Laboratory testing of the causative agents of epidemics of infectious diseases is carried out in microbiological laboratories of the competent public health institutes.
Confirmation of laboratory tests performed in legal entities performing health activities is performed in microbiological laboratories of the Croatian Institute of Public Health in the following infectious diseases: acute flabby paralysis, amoebiasis, anthrax, rabies, Brill-Zinsser disease, brucellosis, diphtheria, polio, influenza, congenital rubella embryopathy, cholera, tick-borne meningocephalatis, plague, legionnaires’ disease, leishmaniasis, malaria, meningococcal disease, ortinose-psitacosis, measles, freckles, recurrent fever, Q fever, salmonellosis (except S.enteritidis and S.typhimurium), SARS, the disease ¬COVID-19 caused by sars-CoV-2 virus, abdominal typhoid, tuberculosis (if caused by a resistant strain), viral hemorrhagic fever and yellow fever, and in those diseases where confirmation is of particular epidemiological interest.
In case of HIV infection, verification (verification) is carried out at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases »Dr. Fran Mihaljević« Zagreb.
Diagnostics of rare, hard-to-grow and dangerous causative agents of infectious diseases is carried out in microbiological laboratories of the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
At the proposal of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, the Minister designates microbiological laboratories of legal and natural persons performing health activities, which can perform laboratory testing of the causative agents of infectious diseases, i.e. epidemics of infectious diseases.
The solution referred to in paragraph 8. this article is published in the “Official Gazette”.
Article 15
Legal entities performing health activities and private health workers performing microbiological activities are obliged to keep records of laboratory tests carried out and submit a report on the causes of infectious diseases to the competent institute of public health and the Croatian Institute of Public Health, which submit a summary report to the ministry responsible for health (hereinafter: the ministry).
- Registration
Article 16
The obligation to report infectious diseases are subject to:
(a) any disease or death from an infectious disease referred to in Article 3. item 1 and 3. In this law,
2) any suspected disease of Brill-Zinsser disease, cholera, plague, freckles, yellow fever or viral hemorrhagic fever and SARS and COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2,
(3) any epidemic of an infectious disease referred to in Article 3. item 1 and 3. In this law,
4) epidemics of other infectious diseases referred to in the article 3 rd paragraph 2 In this law,
5) any secretion of germs of abdominal typhus,
(6) any carrying of viral jaundice antigens type B and C and antibodies to acquired immune deficiency syndrome virus; and
(7) any unusual event that may indicate abuse of a biological agent or an epidemic of unknown cause.
A legal person performing health activities and private health workers, according to the place of occurrence of the infectious disease, submit a report to the competent public health institute of the county, i.e. the City of Zagreb and at the same time to the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
A medical doctor or other healthcare professional who establishes a disease, suspected illness or death from an infectious disease referred to in paragraph 1. this article, and is not in the workplace, is obliged to inform the nearest public health institute of the county, i.e. the City of Zagreb, and that institute of public health, the Croatian Institute of Public Health, without delay.
Article 17
Reporting of infectious diseases is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of a diagnosis, and laboratory microbiological confirmation of the disease is reported subsequently upon receipt of the results of laboratory tests.
Diseases that are not reported on the basis of diagnosis but after laboratory confirmation are congenital rubella embryopathy, syphilis, acquired immunity deficiency syndrome (AIDS), carrier HBsAg, carrier shipment of HCV antibodies, carrying HIV antibodies and carrier S.tyhi.
Article 18
Any disease of rabies, brucellosis, black pimple, echinococcosis, plague, leptospirosis, leishmaniasis, Q fever, trichinellosis, tularemia, ornitosis-psitacosis and the new variant of Creutzfeldt – Jakob disease (vCJ) and salmonellosis epidemics of public health institutes are obliged to immediately inform the authority competent in accordance with the regulations on veterinary activity.
Any identified disease or death of an animal from an infectious disease referred to in paragraph 1. this article and bse, the body competent in accordance with the regulations on veterinary activity, is obliged to inform the competent institute of public health of the county, i.e. the City of Zagreb and the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
Article 18a
The notification of the occurrence of an infectious disease, epidemic or other health hazard of international importance, which, according to the International Health Regulations, the Croatian Institute of Public Health sends to the IHR early warning system of the World Health Organization, will at the same time send to the early notification network of the European Union.
The Croatian Institute of Public Health sends data on infectious diseases regulated by this Act to the systems of control of infectious diseases of the European Union, in the manner specified in european Commission documents or special official requirements.
Article 19
Implementing regulations on the manner of reporting infectious diseases established by this Law shall be adopted by the Minister.
- Transport, isolation in your own home or other appropriate space – self-isolation, isolation and treatment of patients
Article 20
People found to be suffering from Brill-Zinsser’s disease, infectious-stage syphilis, meningococcal disease, leprosy, cholera, plague, viral hemorrhagic fever, polio, diphtheria, freckle, recurrent fever, abdominal typhoid fever, brucellosis, malaria, rabies, infectious-stage tuberculosis, SARS, COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 and black pimples, and people suspected of suffering from cholera, Plagues or viral hemorrhagic fevers can only be transported by an appropriate medical means of transport and under conditions that prevent the spread of infection.
Article 21
Persons found to be ill or suspected to be suffering from infectious diseases referred to in Article 20 Of this Act, they are mandatory to isolate and treat in health institutions that have secured conditions for isolation and treatment of patients with infectious diseases.
By way of derogation from paragraph 1. of this article, according to the epidemiological assessment of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, i.e. the Public Health Institute of the County, i.e. the City of Zagreb, or according to the assessment of a doctor of medicine specialist in epidemiology, i.e. another competent doctor of medicine of a particular specialty, to persons who are found to be ill, suspected of suffering from COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or healthy people who have been in contact with people with the disease, i.e. they come from the area affected by THE COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, isolation can be determined in one’s own home, or in another appropriate space – self-isolation, if there are appropriate conditions for this.
People suffering from other infectious diseases are isolated and treated in their own home, or in another appropriate space – self-isolation, if there are conditions for this according to the assessment of a doctor of general (family) medicine, i.e. in a health institution.
Article 22
In the event of an epidemic of a particular infectious disease on a larger scale, isolation and treatment of patients may also be carried out in other appropriate facilities trained for this purpose.
Decision on isolation and treatment of sick persons in facilities referred to in paragraph 1. this article is adopted by the Minister at the proposal of the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
- Preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control
Article 23
Preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control is carried out for the sake of:
– prevention of the occurrence of infectious diseases,
– combating the spread of infectious diseases in the establishments referred to in Article 10 item 1 of this Law subject to sanitary supervision,
– combating the spread of infectious diseases in means of transport, ships, etc.,
– combating the spread of infectious diseases in food warehouses.
Preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control shall be carried out in order to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in accordance with the established program referred to in Article 5. item 2 this Act in the facilities referred to in Article 10. item 1 this law.
Preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control as a special measure is carried out for the sake of:
– eliminating the risk of occurrence and transmission of infectious diseases,
– eliminating damage caused by the destruction and pollution of food; and
– contamination of facilities referred to in Article 10 item 1 this Law caused by microorganisms, harmful arthropods (Arthropoda) and harmful rodents.
Mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control as a special measure is carried out for the purpose of:
– combating the spread of infectious diseases in the establishments referred to in Article 10 item 1 In this law,
– combating the spread of infectious diseases in transport, ships, etc. and
– combating the spread of infectious diseases in food warehouses.
Preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control is carried out on the basis of epidemiological indications determined by a specialist in epidemiology of the Public Health Institute of the County, i.e. the City of Zagreb, who informs the competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate or on the basis of sanitary supervision performed by the competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate.
The implementation of mandatory preventive measures of disinfection, disinsection and pest control is ordered by the competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate.
Article 24
Preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control is carried out by legal entities performing health activities and other legal entities authorized by the Minister to implement these measures, in accordance with the program referred to in Article 5. this law.
Counties, i.e. the City of Zagreb, cities and municipalities are obliged to enable the implementation of preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control in their area in accordance with the program of measures referred to in Article 5. item 1 this law.
Professional supervision over the implementation of preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control is carried out by the competent public health institute of the county, i.e. the City of Zagreb.
If the measures of preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinsection and pest control are carried out by the Institute of Public Health of the County or the City of Zagreb, the expert supervision over the implementation of these measures is carried out by the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
Professional supervision from the item 2. and 3. of this Article is financed from the funds of municipalities, cities, counties, i.e. the City of Zagreb, beneficiaries of the facility referred to in Article 10. item 1 this Act or other obliged entities to implement measures in accordance with the program referred to in Article 5. this law.
On the expert supervision referred to in paragraph 2. and 3. of this Article, reports are prepared, the content, form and manner of preparation of which are prescribed by the Minister.
Article 25
Ordinance on the conditions regarding the professional qualifications of workers, technical equipment, premises and other conditions that must be met by legal entities performing health activities and other legal entities for performing preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinfection and pest control must be adopted by the Minister.
- Health surveillance of clinicians, employees and other persons
Article 26
Health surveillance is carried out on persons:
- who perform tasks or participate in the production, trade and service of food or the supply of water for human consumption to the population, and who come into direct contact with food or water for human consumption at their workplaces,
- who perform tasks, i.e. participate in the production, trade of cosmetic products, and who come into direct contact with cosmetic products at their workplaces,
- who perform tasks, i.e. participate in the performance of accommodation, care and upbringing of infants and preschool children,
- working in the maternity and children’s wards of health institutions,
- which in legal entities, i.e. with natural persons who independently perform activities by providing hygienic care to the population (public baths, “wellness” centers, beauty salons, barbershops, hair dressing salons, massage salons, manicure salons, pedicures, etc.), as well as those persons who work on the tasks of bringing colors and foreign bodies into the skin and mucous membranes,
- which secrete sprouts of abdominal typhus,
- suspected to be germs of other infectious diseases according to epidemiological indication,
- which come to the Republic of Croatia from countries where there is malaria, cholera, COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, viral hemorrhagic fevers or other diseases determined by an international treaty to which the Republic of Croatia is a party,
- who come to the Republic of Croatia as applicants for international protection, asylum seekers and persons under subsidiary or temporary protection,
- foreigners who come to the Republic of Croatia for education, professional training or temporary work, as well as their family members who come together with them to the Republic of Croatia.
By way of derogation from paragraph 1. this Article, health surveillance shall not be subject to:
- persons who perform or participate in the production and trade of food, and who, in the course of their work in these jobs, come into contact exclusively with packaged food,
- persons who perform tasks, i.e. participate in the production and trade of cosmetic products, and who, during their work in these jobs, come into contact exclusively with packaged cosmetic products.
Article 27
Direct contact with food is the procedure during which an employed person comes into contact with food that is not packaged or packaged, but for the consumer’s needs, the packaging is partially or completely removed from the food.
Direct contact with cosmetic products means the procedure during which the employed person comes into contact with cosmetic products that are not packaged or packaged, but due to the consumer’s needs, the packaging is partially or completely removed from the cosmetic products.
Article 28
Health surveillance includes:
- medical examination before the entry into employment of persons referred to in Article 26. In this law,
- periodic health check-ups during employment,
- medical examination after recovered infectious diseases referred to in Article 3 In this law,
- medical examination after entering the Republic of Croatia and during the incubation period, depending on the infectious disease.
Periodic health check-up during employment for persons carrying out tasks in the production or circulation of food or the supply of water for human consumption referred to in Article 26 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union points 1 This law is performed every year, and other health examinations are performed once a year. Health examinations of these persons are also carried out when infectious diseases occur at the workplace or in their household and when there are epidemiological indications for it, and at the proposal of the competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate, doctors of general (family) medicine, or doctors of medicine specialists in epidemiology. Periodic health check-up during employment for persons referred to in Article 26 point 2 – 6. This law is done once a year.
Periodic health check-up during employment for persons referred to in Article 26 point 7 This law is done twice a year.
Health check-up of persons referred to in Article 26 point 8, 9. and 10 of this Act shall be carried out immediately upon entry into the Republic of Croatia, and supervision lasts during the incubation period determined for a particular infectious disease.
Health checks referred to in paragraph 1 points 1 – 4. this article is performed in the public health institutes of the counties, i.e. the City of Zagreb and the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
Article 29
Persons who:
- suffer from infectious or parasitic diseases that can be transmitted by food or water,
- suffer from purulent skin diseases,
- suffer from diseases that cause repulsion in consumers,
- secrete certain causative agents of infectious diseases (germs) that can be transmitted with food or water.
Article 30
In the manufacture and distribution of medicinal products and medical devices, means for maintaining personal hygiene, care or beautification of the face and body, including the performance of the work of introducing dyes and foreign bodies into the skin and mucous membranes, persons suffering or are germs of infectious diseases or parasitic diseases which can be transmitted by means used for the performance of those activities shall not work, nor people who secrete the causative agents of abdominal typhus, certain causative agents of food poisoning or dysentery.
Article 31
In schools and other institutions for children and youth, people suffering from active tuberculosis (tuberculosis during the excretion of pathogens) should not work, and in preschool institutions people who secrete causative agents of intestinal infectious diseases and other infectious diseases according to epidemiological indication.
Article 32
Health workers as well as other employed persons in legal entities performing health activities and social welfare institutions and private health workers may not engage in examinations, treatment, care and service of patients or wards, if they suffer from active tuberculosis and other infectious diseases according to epidemiological indication.
Persons suffering from active tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, according to the epidemiological indication, must not work in the production, equipping and dispensing of medicinal products and medical devices.
Article 33
Workers employed in legal entities and natural persons who independently perform the activity of providing hygienic care services of persons as well as the tasks of bringing dyes and foreign bodies into the skin and mucous membranes may not perform these tasks if they suffer from active tuberculosis or purulent or parasitic skin diseases and other infectious diseases according to the epidemiological indication.
Article 34
Persons who have recovered from abdominal typhoid, bacilli dysentery or salmonellosis and people suspected of carrying infectious germs of these diseases are obliged to perform health examinations until it is determined on the basis of laboratory findings that they do not have infectious germs.
Persons who are found to be suffering from cholera or malaria or are only the germs of the causative agent of these diseases are obliged to undergo treatment.
Germs of the causative agents of viral jaundice types B and C, people who secrete the causative agents of abdominal typhoid or are carriers of the causative agent (virus) of acquired immunity syndrome, must be instructed in the manner of behavior, in order to prevent the transmission of their infection.
Article 35
The costs of health checks on persons referred to in Article 26 item 1 points 1 until 5. This law is borne by the employer.
Costs of medical examinations of persons referred to in Article 26 item 1 Points 6. and 7 of this Act are insured in accordance with the regulations on compulsory health insurance, and the costs of examination of persons referred to in Article 26. item 1 points 8, 9. and 10 of this Act are provided in the state budget of the Republic of Croatia.
The costs of health checks on persons referred to in Article 26 item 1 points 1 until 10. this Law is determined by the decision of the Minister, with the previously obtained opinion of the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
Article 36
The Ordinance on the manner of carrying out health examinations of persons under health supervision is adopted by the Minister.
- Health education of persons
Article 37
Persons who come into contact with food at their workplaces in the production or circulation of food and water for human consumption and persons working on the preparation and serving of food must have the necessary knowledge of food safety and personal hygiene.
Persons referred to in paragraph 1. this article must have the necessary knowledge of food safety and personal hygiene before starting work, i.e. renew them every 5 years.
Persons who have completed a university graduate study programme or a specialist graduate professional study programme in the following fields: medicine, pharmacy, sanitary engineering, biochemical engineering, food engineering, nutrition, biology, biotechnology and veterinary sciences possess the necessary knowledge of food safety and personal hygiene and are exempt from the obligation referred to in paragraph 2. this article.
Persons who perform tasks in the production or trade of cosmetic products, and who come into direct contact with cosmetic products at their workplaces, and natural persons who independently perform the activity of providing care services or beautification of the face and body, as well as persons who perform the work of bringing paints and foreign bodies into the skin and mucous membranes, must have the necessary knowledge of preventing infectious diseases before starting work, Renew them every 5 years.
Persons who have completed a university graduate study programme or a specialist graduate professional study programme in the field of: medicine, pharmacy, medical biochemistry and sanitary engineering possess the necessary knowledge of infectious disease prevention and personal hygiene and are exempt from the obligation referred to in paragraph 4. this article.
Ordinance on the manner and program of acquiring the necessary knowledge of food safety for persons referred to in paragraph 1 This article is made by the Minister.
Ordinance on the manner and program of acquiring the necessary knowledge on the prevention of infectious diseases for persons referred to in paragraph 4 This article is made by the Minister.
Article 38
Health education of persons referred to in Article 37 this Act is implemented by the institutes of public health of the counties, i.e. the City of Zagreb and the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
Article 39
Costs of acquiring the necessary knowledge referred to in Article 37 This law is borne by the employer.
Costs of acquiring the necessary knowledge referred to in Article 37 this Law is determined by the decision of the Minister, with the previously obtained opinion of the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
7a. Control of microbiological cleanliness of the facility
Article 39a
In facilities under sanitary supervision referred to in Article 10. this Act carries out the control of microbiological purity of the surface of plants, equipment, devices, accessories, means of transport and hands of persons.
Microbiological purity control can also be carried out in other facilities if there is an epidemiological indication.
Supervision of the implementation of the measures referred to in paragraph 1. this article is carried out by the sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate in cooperation with county institutes of public health and the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
The ordinance that will more closely determine the facilities, frequency of control and norms of microbiological purity is adopted by the Minister.
Article 39b
Certificates, i.e. other documents (certificates, certificates, etc.) to nationals of the Member States of the European Union and the European Economic Area who, in the course of carrying out a registered activity at their workplaces in the production or trade of food, come into contact with food, water for human consumption and articles that come into direct contact with food and persons working on the preparation and serving of food, i.e. to persons engaged in the production and circulation of personal hygiene products and natural persons who independently carry out the activity of providing care or beautification services for persons and bodies, as well as persons who carry out the tasks of bringing paints and foreign bodies into the skin and mucous membranes, issue the competent authorities of those Member States of the European Union or the competent authorities of a Contracting State of the European Economic Area or other legal persons in the performance of tasks on the basis of public authority, they are considered to be equivalent evidence regarding the acquired necessary knowledge of food safety and personal hygiene of persons or the acquired necessary knowledge of the prevention of communicable diseases.
- Immunization, seroprophylaxis and chemoprophylaxis
Article 40
Immunization is mandatory:
- against tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, measles, red meat, mumps and viral jaundice type B and diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type B – for all people of a certain age,
- against tetanus of injured persons,
- against type B viral jaundice – for people at increased risk of infection,
- anti-rabies – for all persons who are professionally at risk of infection and who are injured by a rabid animal or an animal suspected of being angry,
- against yellow fever – for persons travelling to a country where the disease exists or to a country requiring immunisation against the disease,
- against cholera and other infectious diseases – for persons travelling to a country requiring immunisation against these diseases or in cases where there is an epidemiological indication,
- against abdominal typhoid and other infectious diseases for all persons for whom there are epidemiological indications.
Article 41
Immunization is carried out by a medical doctor after examining the person to be immunized.
Immunization can also be performed by other health care professionals, but only under the supervision and under the responsibility of a medical doctor.
Immunisation against diseases established by the Mandatory Vaccination Programme for School and Preschool Children must be carried out exclusively by the vaccine specified in that Programme.
Article 42
Protection with immune serum (seroprophylaxis) is mandatory for:
1) persons injured by a suspicious animal or rabies,
2) injured persons exposed to tetanus infection,
3) persons exposed to infection from viral jaundice type A and B if there is a clinical or epidemiological indication for this.
Article 43
Drug protection (chemoprophylaxis) is mandatory for:
(a) all persons exposed to the infection from cholera, tuberculosis or malaria;
2) children, youth and persons employed in schools and other institutions for children and youth, at epidemic occurrence of bacillar dysentery, streptococcal disease or an individual case of meningococcal disease according to epidemiological indication,
3) persons in contact with unvaccinated children up to 5 years of age during the occurrence of an invasive disease caused by Hemophilus influenza Type B.
Article 44
Immunization against rabies, yellow fever, cholera and other diseases is done in public health institutes.
Article 45
Ordinance on the manner of conducting immunization, seroprophylaxis and chemoprophylaxis against infectious diseases and on persons who must be subjected to this obligation, as well as on the conditions regarding premises, equipment and employees in legal entities and natural persons performing immunization is adopted by the Minister.
- Information
Article 46
Public health institutes are obliged to inform health workers and the population about the reasons and manner of implementing special measures to combat and prevent infectious diseases in special cases where cooperation between health workers and the population is necessary in the implementation of special measures to combat and prevent infectious diseases.
Healthcare professionals or legal persons engaged in health activities may inform other health workers or the population exclusively in the work of measures they themselves carry out.
At the proposal of the Croatian Institute of Public Health in the cases referred to in paragraph 1. this article, the Minister will inform health workers and the population on the implementation of special measures to combat and prevent infectious diseases.
Article 47
In order to protect the population of the Republic of Croatia from the introduction of cholera, plague, viral hemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, COVID-19 caused by the virus ¬SARS-CoV-2 and other infectious diseases, measures stipulated by this Act and international treaties to which the Republic of Croatia is a party are taken.
To prevent and combat communicable diseases referred to in paragraph 1. at the proposal of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, the Minister may order special safety measures to protect the population from infectious diseases:
- carrying out mandatory anti-epidemic disinfection, disinsection and pest control,
- establishment of quarantine,
- a travel ban on a country where there is an epidemic of the disease referred to in paragraph 1. this article,
- prohibition of movement of persons, i.e. restriction of movement in infected or directly endangered areas,
- restriction or prohibition of the circulation of certain types of goods and products,
- mandatory participation of health institutions and other legal persons, private health workers and natural persons in the fight against the disease,
- prohibition of the use of facilities, equipment and means of transport,
- isolation of persons in their own home or other appropriate space – self-isolation,
8a. the obligation to present evidence of testing, vaccination or recovery of an infectious disease in order to enter certain premises,
- the obligation to properly wear a face mask or medical mask,
- prohibition or restriction of the holding of public events and/or gatherings,
- prohibition or restriction of the holding of private gatherings,
- other necessary measures.
In the cases referred to in paragraph 1. The Minister may also propose a ban on entering the Republic of Croatia to persons coming from areas where there is an epidemic of infectious diseases and do not have a valid vaccination certificate or when the public health interest so requires.
When, in accordance with Article 2. Paragraphs 4. and 5 of this Act, declared an epidemic of an infectious disease or a threat of an epidemic of an infectious disease in relation to which the World Health Organization has declared a pandemic, i.e. an epidemic or a threat therefrom, the security measures referred to in paragraph 1. until 3. this Article may be ordered by a decision, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Croatian Institute of Public Health, by the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia. Decisions of the Headquarters are made under the direct supervision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
In order to implement safety measures to protect the population from infectious diseases to persons referred to in paragraph 2. points 4 this Article shall be entitled to compensation, unless the prerequisites referred to in paragraph 4 are met. this article.
The amount of the fee as well as the criteria for determining the fee referred to in paragraph 4. this article is determined by the Minister with the consent of the Minister responsible for Finance.
The security measures referred to in paragraph 2 this article ordered by the Minister and the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia are published in the “Official Gazette”.
- Mandatory anti-epidemic disinfection, disinsection and pest control
Article 48
Mandatory anti-epidemic disinfection, disinfection and pest control is carried out in order to quickly and effectively stop the spread of infectious diseases as a safety and mandatory measure.
Article 49
The competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate orders mandatory anti-epidemic disinfection in case of cholera, plague, viral hemorrhagic fevers, rabies, diphtheria, abdominal typhoid, polio, dysentery, viral jaundice type A, SARS, COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and Legionnaires’ disease and other infectious diseases if there are epidemiological indications.
Exceptional from item 1 of this Article, when, in accordance with article 1 2. paragraphs 4. and 5 of this Act, declared an epidemic of an infectious disease or a threat of an epidemic of an infectious disease in relation to which the World Health Organization has declared a pandemic, i.e. an epidemic or a threat from it, the Minister is authorized to make a decision determining legal and natural persons, the manner and costs of implementing mandatory anti-epidemic measures.
Mandatory anti-epidemic disinfection is carried out during illness, i.e. germination (disinfection in progress) or after healing or death of patients or clichés (final disinfection), and includes:
– the secretions and secretions of patients or clichés,
– personal and other objects from the patient’s environment or clichés,
– residential and other premises in which the patient or germ resides or has resided, as well as devices and systems which are the route of transmission and the place of reproduction of the pathogen,
– means of transport used to transport a patient or a cliché, i.e. a person who died of a particular infectious disease.
Article 50
The competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate orders mandatory anti-epidemic disinsection in the case of freckles, return fever, plague, Brill-Zinsser disease as well as other infectious diseases that are transmitted and spread by harmful arthropods (Arthropoda), and at the suggestion of a doctor of medicine specialist in epidemiology.
The competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate orders mandatory anti-epidemic disinsection in case of malaria and the risk of malaria transmission in populated places where the disease or the risk of disease has been identified, at the proposal of a doctor of medicine specialist in epidemiology.
Mandatory anti-epidemic disinsection includes:
– persons suffering from infectious diseases referred to in paragraph 1. and 2 of this Article and other persons from the patient’s environment,
– clothing, footwear, underwear, bedding and other items of the patient and other persons from the patient’s environment,
– residential and other premises and premises in which the patient or another person from his environment resides or has resided,
– means of transport used to transport a patient or other persons identified to be carrying insects that carry the agents of some infectious diseases,
– terrain, environment or area where they live or have conditions for the development of harmful arthropods (Arthropoda) that transmit and spread infectious diseases.
Article 51
The competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate orders mandatory anti-epidemic pest control when the occurrence or danger of plague, according to the epidemiological indication in case of leptospirosis or other infectious diseases whose source may be harmful rodents.
Mandatory anti-epidemic pest control includes:
– residential buildings, public premises and facilities of populated places,
– docks, sea, river and airports and railway stations and other public transport facilities,
– means of public transport (buses, ships, trucks, aircraft, railway wagons, etc.) and means of transport of food, items that come into direct contact with food and articles of general use,
– working quarters, warehouses and other utility rooms for the production and trade of food, articles that come into direct contact with food and articles of general use, and for the performance of other activities conducive to the creation of conditions for the life and reproduction of harmful rodents,
– terrain, environment or area where they live or have conditions for the development of harmful rodents that transmit and spread infectious diseases.
Article 52
The Ordinance on the manner of carrying out disinfection, disinsection and pest control as a general, special and safety measure is adopted by the Minister.
Article 53
Mandatory anti-epidemic disinfection, disinfection and pest control is carried out by the institutes of public health of the counties, i.e. the City of Zagreb and the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
If the Public Health Institute of the County, i.e. the City of Zagreb and the Croatian Institute of Public Health do not have sufficient capacities for the implementation of mandatory anti-epidemic disinfection, disinfection and pest control, at the request of the Minister, these measures will be implemented by other authorized legal entities.
Article 54
Ordinance on the conditions regarding premises, equipment and workers that must be met by legal entities for carrying out disinfection, disinsection and pest control as a general, special and safety measure is adopted by the Minister.
- Quarantine
Article 55
Quarantine consists in restricting freedom of movement and conducting health checks during quarantine.
Persons who are found or suspected of having been in direct contact with diseased persons or with persons suspected of contracting plague or viral hemorrhagic fevers (Ebola, Lassa and Marburg) are quarantined.
In the case of epidemiological indication, persons arriving in the Republic of Croatia as applicants for international protection, asylum seekers and persons under subsidiary or temporary protection, in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, shall be quarantined.
Decision on the establishment of quarantine and on the duration of quarantine for persons suffering from infectious diseases not specified in paragraph 2. This article is made by the Minister.
- Obligation to present evidence of testing, vaccination or recovery of an infectious disease in order to enter certain premises
Article 55a
Where a specific security measure referred to in Article 47 has been introduced, item 2 Point 8a of this Act, a person who refuses to present evidence of testing, vaccination or recovery of an infectious disease is not allowed to enter certain premises.
Implementation of the specific security measure referred to in Article 47 item 2 point 8a introduced for bodies referred to in Article 4 governed by public law. item 2 this Act shall be provided by the responsible persons referred to in Article 4. item 3 this law.
Responsible persons referred to in Article 4 item 3 they shall designate one or more persons for the immediate implementation of the special security measure referred to in Article 47. item 2 Section 8a of this Act.
If contrary to paragraph 1. of this Article, a person enters the premises of public law bodies, a person designated for the immediate implementation of the special security measure referred to in paragraph 3. of this Article shall without delay report the event to the responsible person referred to in the Article 4th item 3 of this Law and the competent sanitary inspection of the State Inspectorate.
Article 56
In order to protect the population of the Republic of Croatia from the introduction of infectious diseases, in traffic across the border, sanitary and inspection supervision is carried out over citizens of the Republic of Croatia and other persons entering the Republic of Croatia, their belongings and means.
Sanitary and inspection supervision at the border is carried out by border sanitary inspectors of the State Inspectorate.
- Measures in the event of an epidemic or elementary accident
Article 57
In the event of abuse of a biological agent or natural accidents (flood, earthquake, fire, traffic accident, mine or other worksite accident, etc.), which may lead to an epidemic or an infectious disease of a large number of persons, the Minister may, if necessary, also determine these measures to prevent and combat infectious diseases: mobilization of health workers and other persons, requisition of equipment, medicines, medical devices, means of transport, temporary use of business and other premises for the provision of health care, isolation and treatment, and the determination of specific tasks for legal persons performing health care and private health workers.
- Transfer, funeral and excavation of deceased persons
Article 58
The transfer, funeral and excavation of deceased persons must be carried out under conditions and in a way that prevents the spread of infection.
Article 59
Funeral and transmission of non-buried deceased persons who died of black pimples, diphtheria, cholera, plague, abdominal typhoid fever, viral hemorrhagic fevers (Ebola, Lassa and Marburg, dengue), yellow fever and vCJ, COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 and other infectious diseases referred to in Article 3 of the Treaty on The Functioning of the European Union. item 2 This Act may be done only under the conditions and in the manner prescribed by the Regulations referred to in Article 65. this law.
Transfer and transport of deceased persons referred to in paragraph 1. this Article is carried out on the territory of the Republic of Croatia or from the Republic of Croatia abroad, on the basis of a decision and a conductor issued by the sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate competent according to the place of death of these persons.
The decision and the certificate for the transport of deceased persons abroad shall be issued by the sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate referred to in paragraph 2. this Article with the prior consent of the competent authority for internal affairs.
Article 60
Transmission of deceased persons who have not been buried and who have not died of an infectious disease referred to in Article 59 item 1 this Act is carried out from the Republic of Croatia abroad on the basis of a conductor issued by the sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate competent according to the place of death of these persons.
The excavation and transfer of a deceased person from one grave site in the Republic of Croatia for burial to another grave site abroad is carried out on the basis of a funeral certificate issued by the sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate competent according to the excavation site.
Transfer certificate for the transfer of persons referred to in paragraphs 1. and 2 of this Article shall be issued with the prior consent of the competent authority for internal affairs.
Article 61
A deceased person may be transferred from abroad to the Republic of Croatia on the basis of a certificate issued by a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Republic of Croatia.
A diplomatic mission or consular post is obliged to request the consent of the ministry before issuing the certificate if:
– a person died of an infectious disease,
– person exhumed or
– the nationality of the deceased person is unknown or cannot be determined.
Consent referred to in paragraph 2 this article is issued with the prior approval of the ministry responsible for internal affairs.
Article 61a
The transit of a deceased person through the Republic of Croatia is carried out without a funeral certificate.
Article 62
Article 63
The transfer of the urn with the ashes of the deceased person is done without a funeral.
Article 63a
Funeral of a deceased person in the Republic of Croatia who did not die of an infectious disease referred to in Article 59 This law is carried out on the basis of a burial permit.
Article 64
The costs of transferring a deceased person for funeral shall be borne by the person who applied for authorisation for transfer, unless otherwise stipulated by special regulations or international treaties.
Article 65
Ordinance on the conditions and manner of equipping, transferring, transport, cremation, funerals and excavations of deceased persons and on the conditions regarding the premises and equipment of legal and natural persons for carrying out equipping, transfer, transport, cremation, funerals and excavations of deceased persons is adopted by the Minister.
- Measures to prevent and combat hospital infections
Article 66
All legal entities engaged in health activities, private health workers and social welfare institutions are obliged to ensure hygienic and other conditions and to implement appropriate sanitary-technical, hygienic and other measures to protect against the spread of infectious diseases (hospital infection).
All persons referred to in paragraph 1. in accordance with this Act and the ordinance adopted on the basis of this Act, they are obliged to adopt a general act establishing measures, obligations and responsibilities for protection against hospital infections.
Article 67
The Ordinance on measures to prevent and combat hospital infections is adopted by the Minister.
The Ordinance on water safety for hemodialysis purposes is adopted by the Minister.
Article 68
In carrying out sanitary and inspection supervision at the border, the border sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate has the right and obligation to:
- order a health examination of persons to determine the existence of infectious diseases,
- order the quarantine of persons referred to in Article 55. In this law,
- order the performance of mandatory preventive pest control, disinfection and disinsection,
- order the performance of mandatory anti-epidemic pest control, disinfection and disinsection,
- order a test of the effectiveness of the implementation of pest control, disinfection and disinsection,
- order isolation in your own home or other appropriate space – self-isolation,
- order the taking of other prescribed sanitary-technical and hygienic measures against infectious diseases, in accordance with this Law and obligations assumed by international treaties.
Article 69
Supervision of the implementation of measures for the protection of the population from infectious diseases is carried out by the competent sanitary inspectors of the State Inspectorate.
In carrying out the supervision, the competent sanitary inspectors of the State Inspectorate are authorized to:
- prohibit the movement of persons found or suspected of suffering from certain infectious diseases,
- prohibit the gathering of persons in schools, cinemas, public places and other public places, until the end of the danger of epidemics of infectious diseases determined by this Law,
- order the isolation and treatment of persons suffering from infectious diseases determined by this Law,
- order the placing in organized quarantine of persons who do not comply with the prescribed special and safety measures,
- order insulation in your own home or other appropriate insulation space – self-isolation,
- prohibit people suffering from certain infectious diseases and germs of certain infectious diseases, to work in certain workplaces, i.e. places where they may endanger the health of other persons,
- order the removal of sick people from certain jobs,
- prohibit work of persons who have not undergone prescribed health examinations,
- order a health examination of persons and materials for laboratory testing in order to determine infectious diseases prescribed by this Law,
9a. to order the implementation of a specific safety measure obliged to present evidence of testing, vaccination or recovery of an infectious disease in order to enter certain premises,
9b. order the removal of persons from the premises into which they have entered contrary to the imposed special safety measure the obligation to present evidence of testing, vaccination or recovery of an infectious disease in order to enter certain premises.
- prohibit work for people who do not have the necessary knowledge of food safety and personal hygiene,
- order the implementation of health education to persons referred to in Article 37 of this Act,
- order the performance of general, special, security and other measures,
- prohibit the performance of general, special and safety disinfection, disinsection and pest control, to a health institution or other legal person, if they do not meet the prescribed conditions, or if they perform this activity without the authority of the minister or if they perform it in an improper manner,
- order the performance of periodic health examinations,
- order vaccination against infectious diseases of people who are professionally at risk,
- order a test of the effectiveness of the implementation of disinfection (microbiological purity) in food production and trade facilities,
- order that other prescribed measures be taken to protect the population from infectious diseases.
Article 70
Measures referred to in the article 68. And 69 of this Law are ordered by a solution. An appeal, i.e. an action against those orders, does not delay their execution.
If the sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate, during the inspection, assesses that there is an epidemiological indication that requires urgent action to be taken in order to eliminate the danger to the health and life of the population, he will order the execution of such a measure without delay by an oral decision.
Article 71
In order to prevent and combat infectious diseases of interest to the Republic of Croatia Ministry:
- monitors the movement of infectious diseases based on the report of the Croatian Institute of Public Health,
- adopts an annual immunization program at the proposal of the Croatian Institute of Public Health,
- coordinates the work of the competent authorities of local and regional self-government units in the prevention and control of infectious diseases and on the implementation of measures for protection against infectious diseases that occur in epidemic form and endanger two or more municipalities,
- at the proposal of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, it orders the implementation of measures of protection against infectious diseases in the event of an epidemic that threatens several units of local or regional self-government, especially complex epidemics and epidemics of unknown causative agents.
Article 72
The Ministry responsible for home affairs shall provide assistance, within the limits of its competences, to the ministry in implementing the measures referred to in Article 69. item 2 and Article 70. this Act, as well as in the implementation of other measures prescribed by this Law.
Article 72a
By way of derogation from Article 69. this Act, when an epidemic of an infectious disease or a threat of an epidemic of an infectious disease has been declared, in relation to which the World Health Organization has declared a pandemic or an epidemic or a threat from it, supervision of the implementation of security measures to protect the population from infectious diseases referred to in Article 47 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. item 2 this Law is also performed by police officers, inspectors of state administration bodies responsible for civil protection, inspectors of the State Inspectorate and inspectors of other state administration bodies within their competence.
Article 73
Within the protection of the population from cholera, malaria, plague, viral hemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, SARS, COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and infectious diseases whose cause is unknown, the Republic of Croatia provides funds for:
- carrying out sanitary inspection scrutiny at the border and for the implementation of measures related to the performance of such supervision,
- health examinations of foreigners and citizens of the Republic of Croatia when entering the Republic of Croatia,
- reimbursement of the costs of participating in the implementation of the measures referred to in Article 55. item 3 this law.
Article 74
Funds for the implementation of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic measures under this Act for insured persons within the framework of compulsory health insurance are provided in accordance with the Law on Compulsory Health Insurance.
Means for implementing the measures referred to in paragraph 1 this Article for persons not insured under compulsory health insurance in the Republic of Croatia are insured in accordance with special regulations
Determination of the status of the insured person referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall not delay the implementation of the measures set out in this Law.
Article 75
A fine of HRK 50,000.00 to HRK 100,000.00 shall be imposed on a legal person for a misdemeanor if:
- performs disinfection, disinsection and pest control, and does not comply with the prescribed conditions (Article 11, paragraph 2),
- does not carry out early detection of sources and routes of transmission of infection (Article 13),
- does not perform laboratory testing of the causative agent of infectious diseases, i.e. epidemics of infectious diseases (Article 14),
- performlaboratory testing of the causative agent of infectious diseases, i.e. epidemics of infectious diseases without the decision of the Minister (Article 14, paragraph 8),
- does not keep records of laboratory tests carried out and does not report on the agents of infectious diseases (Article 15),
- not report an infectious disease in the manner specified by this Law and the ordinance adopted pursuant to this Act (Article 16),
- fails to inform the competent authority laid down in the regulations on veterinary activity (Article 18(1)),
- perform preventive and mandatory preventive disinfection, disinfection and pest control without the authority of the Minister (Article 24, paragraph 1),
- does not submit the expert supervision report within the prescribed time limit (Article 24(5)),
- does not perform anti-epidemic disinfection, disinfection and pest control, or performs anti-epidemic disinfection, disinfection and pest control and for the same does not meet the conditions prescribed by the ordinance adopted pursuant to this Act (Articles 49 and 54),
- does not implement the prescribed measures to prevent and combat nosocomial infections (Article 66,paragraph 1),
- fails to act within a certain period according to the decision of the sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate (Article 69).
For the offence referred to in paragraph 1. points 5, 6 and 11. this Article shall be punished by a natural person with a fine in the amount of HRK 5,000.00 to HRK 10,000.00.
For the offence referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall also be imposed on the responsible person in the legal entity by a fine in the amount of HRK 5,000.00 to HRK 10,000.00.
Article 75a
A fine in the amount of HRK 30,000.00 to HRK 50,000.00 shall be imposed on the responsible person who fails to ensure the implementation of a special safety measure obliged to present evidence of testing, vaccination or recovery of an infectious disease in order to enter certain premises (Article 47, paragraph 2, item 8a and Article 55a).
Article 76
A fine in the amount of HRK 30,000.00 to HRK 80,000.00 shall be imposed on a legal person for a misdemeanor:
- if it does not enable the competent sanitary inspector of the State Inspectorate as well as the competent doctor of general (family) medicine or doctor of medicine specialist in epidemiology to perform supervision unhindered and to take the prescribed measures to protect the population from infectious diseases (Article 8),
- if it does not implement general measures to prevent and combat communicable diseases (Article 10),
- if it prevents the implementation of disinfection, disinsection and pest control (Article 11,paragraph 1),
- if he or she resigns a person without a previous medical examination or fails to provide periodic health checks for employed workers (Article 28),
- if he or she receives or retains at work a person who has been found to be suffering from a certain infectious disease or that he secretes germs and parasites (Articles 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. and 34.
- if he does not provide the employed persons with the necessary knowledge of food safety and personal hygiene, or if he keeps a person at work without the necessary knowledge of food safety and personal hygiene (Article 37),
- if he does not perform immunization, seroprophylaxis and chemoprophylaxis or performthem in the manner specified by this Law and the regulations adopted pursuant to this Act (Article 40– 43),
- if it carries out the transfer, burial and excavation of deceased persons contrary to the provisions of Article 58. – 62. In this law,
- if a worker was found at the workplace without a duly certified sanitary card.
For the offence referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall be punished by a fine in the amount of HRK 3,000.00 to HRK 8,000.00 a natural person and a responsible person in the legal entity.
For the offence referred to in paragraph 1. this Article committed for the second time, with a fine, a measure of revocation of the license to perform activities for a period of up to six months shall be imposed, and for the offense committed for the third time with a fine, a measure of permanent revocation of the license to perform the activity shall be imposed.
Article 76a
A fine in the amount of HRK 8,000.00 to HRK 15,000.00 shall be imposed on a natural person for a misdemeanor:
- if the safety measure for the protection of the population from infectious diseases, isolation in one’s own home or other appropriate premises – self-isolation is not complied with (Article 47, paragraph 2, item 8),
- if it does not comply with the safety measure to protect the population from quarantined infectious diseases (Article 55 of the Code of Civil Procedure). Item 1. and (2).
Article 76b
A fine in the amount of HRK 10,000.00 to HRK 40,000.00 will be imposed on a legal person for a misdemeanor:
- if it does not respect the prohibition or restriction of holding public events and/or gatherings (Article 47, paragraph 2, item 10),
- if it does not comply with the prohibition or restriction of the holding of private gatherings (Article 47(2)(11).
For the offence referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall also be punished by the responsible person in the legal entity, as well as a natural person craftsman and a natural person who performs another independent activity with a fine in the amount of HRK 5,000.00 to HRK 10,000.00.
Article 76c
A fine in the amount of HRK 500.00 will be imposed on a natural person for a misdemeanor if he does not comply with the obligation to properly wear a face mask or medical mask (Article 47, paragraph 2, item 9).
Article 76d
A fine in the amount of HRK 5,000.00 to HRK 10,000.00 shall be imposed on a natural person, the owner or holder of a private space for a misdemeanor if he organizes or allows the holding of a private gathering contrary to the decisions referred to in Article 47. item 2 points 11 this law.
Article 77
When the obligation to comply with the measures of protection of the population from infectious diseases applies to a minor, a fine in the amount of HRK 2,000.00 will be imposed on the parent or guardian of the offense if he fails to fulfill the obligation of immunization against diseases established by the Program of mandatory vaccination of school and preschool children.
Article 78
A medical doctor or other health worker who establishes illness, suspected illness or death from an infectious disease, and does not immediately inform the nearest legal entity performing health care activities or a private health worker will be punished for an on-the-spot offense with a fine in the amount of HRK 2,000.00.
Article 79
For violations prescribed by this Act, the penalty may be collected at the place of committing an offence by a person authorized to carry out supervision of the implementation of security measures to protect the population from infectious diseases referred to in Article 69 of the Criminal Code. and 72a of this Act, in accordance with the law governing misdemeanors.
Article 80
The Ordinances for which the Minister is authorized to adopt shall be adopted within six months from the date of entry into force of this Law.
Article 81
Until the date of entry into force of the regulations referred to in Article 80. This law remains in force:
- Ordinance on the conditions to which health institutions performing laboratory testing of infectious diseases, i.e. epidemics of infectious diseases and verification (verification) of laboratory testing of infectious disease agents in order to establish a diagnosis (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94.),
- Ordinance on the manner of keeping records of laboratory tests performed (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94.),
- Ordinance on the manner of carrying out health examinations of persons who are germs or suspected to be germs of certain infectious diseases (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94.),
- Ordinance on the manner of carrying out health checks on persons under health supervision (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94 and 93/00),
- Ordinance on the manner of conducting immunization, seroprophylaxis, chemoprophylaxis against infectious diseases, and on persons subject to this obligation (“Official Gazette”, no. 164/04.)
- Ordinance on the conditions to be met by legal and natural persons engaged in the activity of compulsory disinfection, disinsection and pest control as measures for the prevention and suppression of infectious diseases of the population (“Official Gazette”, no. 35/07),
- Ordinance on the manner of implementation of mandatory disinfection, disinsection and pest control (“Official Gazette”, no. 35/07.),
- Ordinance on the conditions that must be met by health institutions conducting health education of persons working in the production or trade of foodstuffs (“Official Gazette”, no. 2/02.),
- Ordinance on the conditions to which health institutions that perform immunization against yellow fever and rabies must comply (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94.)
- Ordinance on the conditions and manner of carrying out measures for the prevention and control of hospital infections (“Official Gazette”, no. 93/02.),
- Ordinance on water safety for hemodialysis purposes (“Official Gazette”, no. 125/03.)
- Ordinance on the conditions and manner of carrying out the transfer, funeral and excavation of deceased persons (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94.),
- Ordinance on the manner of acquiring basic knowledge of food safety and hygiene of persons working in the production and trade of foodstuffs (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94.),
- Ordinance on the normatives of microbiological purity and methods of its determination (“Official Gazette”, no. 46/94.).
Article 82
Legal entities that are authorized to carry out disinfection, disinsection and pest control on the basis of regulations that were valid on the date of entry into force of this Act are obliged to harmonize their work and operations with the provisions of this Act and the ordinances adopted on the basis of this Act within 18 months from the date of entry into force of this Act.
Article 83
On the day of entry into force of this Act, the Law on protection of the population from infectious diseases (“Official Gazette”, no. 60/92 and 26/93).
Article 84
This Law shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Official Gazette”.
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, composed of Snježana Bagić, Deputy President, and judges Mato Arlović, Marko Babić, Slavica Banić, Davor Krapac, Ivan Matija, Antun Palarić, Aldo Radolović, Duška Šarin and Miroslav Šeparović, ruling on proposals to initiate proceedings for the assessment of the conformity of the law with the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia (“Official Gazette” no. 56/90, 135/97, 113/00. , 28/01. and 76/10.), at the session held on 30. [Getty Images] he brought
(“Official Gazette”, no. 22/14)
- Proposals to initiate proceedings to assess compliance with the Constitution of Articles 8, 26, 28, 32, 40, 76 shall not be accepted, 77. and 78. Law on the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases (“Official Gazette” No. 79/07, 113/08 and 43/09).
- This solution will be published in the “Official Gazette”.
- The Croatian Parliament is in session…
Article 18
Regulations referred to in Article 11 The Minister shall adopt this Law within 6 months from the date of entry into force of this Law.
Article 19
List of infectious diseases referred to in Article 1 The Minister shall adopt this Law within 8 days from the date of entry into force of this Law.
Article 20
This Law shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Official Gazette.”
Article 10
Rulebook from the article 3rd paragraph The Minister shall adopt 4 of this Law within 30 days from the date of entry into force of this Law.
Article 11
This Law shall be published in the “Official Gazette”, and shall enter into force on the day of entry into force of the decision on the announcement of the first subsequent general and regular elections of members of municipal and city councils, county assemblies and the City Assembly of the City of Zagreb, as well as municipal heads, mayors, prefects and mayors of the City of Zagreb.
TEXT (AMENDMENT And/OR CORRECTION) THAT DID NOT ENTER THE CONSOLIDATED TEXT (“Official Gazette”, No. 130/17 of 27 December 2017)
Article 14
Regulations referred to in Article 1 The Minister shall adopt this Law within 90 days from the date of entry into force of this Law.
Regulations referred to in Article 6 The Minister shall adopt this Law within 30 days from the date of entry into force of this Law.
Decision referred to in Article 5. The Minister shall adopt this Law within 30 days from the date of entry into force of this Law.
Decision referred to in Article 8. The Minister shall adopt this Law within 30 days from the date of entry into force of this Law.
Article 15
On the day of entry into force of this Act, the provisions of the Ordinance on the manner of carrying out health examinations of persons under health supervision (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94 and 93/00), of the Ordinance on the manner of acquiring basic knowledge of food safety and personal hygiene of persons working in the production and trade of foodstuffs (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94) and the Ordinance on the conditions and manner of carrying out the transfer, funeral and excavation of deceased persons (“Official Gazette”, no. 23/94), in so far as they are not contrary to the provisions of this Law.
On the day of entry into force of this Act, the Instruction on the treatment of waste arising from the provision of health care (“Official Gazette”, No. 50/00) shall cease to be valid.
Article 16
This Law shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Official Gazette”, except for Article 4 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. This law, which enters into force 1. January 2019
Article 18
This Law shall be published in the “Official Gazette” and shall enter into force on 1 January 2007. April 2019
Article 18
Decisions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia adopted for the purpose of immediate protection of life and health of the population in the Republic of Croatia, on the occasion of the Decision on the declaration of the COVID-19 epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Republic of Croatia, class: 011-02/20-01/143, reg. number: 534-02-01-2/6-20-01, of 11. March 2020, adopted by the Minister of Health at the proposal of the Croatian Institute of Public Health in accordance with Article 2 of the Constitution. item 4 Law on the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases (“Official Gazette”, no. 79/07, 113/08, 43/09, 130/17 and 114/18), and the declaration of a COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization 11. In March 2020, they are considered to be the measures referred to in Article 10. item 3 this law.
Article 19
The Ministry of Health shall carry out a follow-up assessment of the effects of this Law within two years from the date of its entry into force.
Article 20
This Law shall enter into force on the first day following its publication in the “Official Gazette”.
Article 5.
Decisions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia adopted for the purpose of immediate protection of life and health of the population in the Republic of Croatia, on the occasion of the Decision on the declaration of the COVID-19 epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Republic of Croatia, class: 011-02/20-01/143, reg. number: 534-02-01-2/6-20-01, of 11. March 2020, which introduced the measures referred to in Article 1. This law is considered to be security measures under this Law.
Article 6.
Within two years from the date of entry into force of this Law, the Ministry of Health shall conduct a subsequent assessment of the effects of this Law.
Article 7.
This Law shall enter into force on the first day following its publication in the “Official Gazette”.
Article 8.
The health ministry will continue until 5 June. December 2022 carry out a subsequent assessment of the effects of this Law.
Article 9.
This Law shall enter into force on the first day following its publication in the “Official Gazette”.
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Branimir Milanković
Voditelj odjela prodaje i marketinga
s preko 15 godina iskustva