The work equipment that needs to be inspected most frequently consists of load-handling equipment
Inspecting work equipment is an extremely important part of occupational safety because if we care about something, we make it safe. This is very important in the case of work equipment or devices with increased hazards because each of us wants to feel safe and protected while working; therefore, it is crucial to use proper and safe tools for work.
The work equipment that needs to be inspected most frequently consists of load-handling equipment (e.g., forklifts), as well as various machines, devices, and installations (e.g., bench grinders, chainsaws, and sawmill equipment).

The employer is obligated to ensure that work equipment in use is at all times safe, maintained, suitable for work, and in working order. To ensure this, they are obligated, among other things, to perform inspections or testing of the work equipment in use. Inspections are carried out at least once every three years and may only be conducted by authorized legal entities.
The obligation to inspect and test work equipment applies to
work equipment that requires handling, operation, or servicing by the equipment operator, which is the basic criterion for assessing which work equipment is subject to the obligation of inspection and testing (except for work equipment excluded by the provisions of Article 3 of the Regulation on Inspection and Testing of Work Equipment).
The obligation to inspect does not apply to:
work equipment consisting of electrical and electronic products covered by regulations on electrical equipment intended for use within certain voltage limits as follows:
- household appliances intended for household use
- audio and video equipment
- information technology equipment
- information technology equipment
- common office machines
- low-voltage switchgear and control devices and electric motors
hand-held work equipment - tools, which are divided into hand-held non-mechanized tools (e.g., wrenches, hammers, pliers, etc.) and hand-held mechanized tools (e.g., angle grinders, hand-held circular saws, etc.)
scaffolding and other means for occasional work at heights for which inspections are carried out according to special regulations
It is not necessary to test work equipment that requires only activities such as putting into operation, shutting down, etc., to perform the intended work process (e.g., refrigerated display cases, welding machines, and power generators).
The need for testing work equipment is determined during the risk assessment. If you have any doubts on this matter, we recommend that you contact us so that we can guide you or start by consulting the opinion of the Ministry on the testing of work equipment.
If you want to learn more about how risk assessment is viewed at the European Union level, visit the website of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.
Donošenjem Pravilnika o pregledu i ispitivanju radne opreme NN 16/16 stavljen je izvan snage prethodni Pravilnik o listi strojeva i uređaja s povećanim opasnostima NN 47/02, kao i Pravilnik o ispitivanju radnog okoliša te strojeva i uređaja s povećanim opasnostima NN 114/02, 131/02 i 126/03.
Pregled i ispitivanje radne opreme odnosi se na radnu opremu koju čine strojevi i uređaji, postrojenja te sredstva za prijenos i prijevoz tereta prema propisu o sigurnosti i zdravlju pri uporabi radne opreme, a obavlja se radi provjere ispunjavanja sigurnosno zdravstvenih zahtjeva na radnoj opremi, odnosno radi otkrivanja i otklanjanja nedostataka koji bi mogli ugroziti sigurnost i zdravlje rukovatelja ili drugih radnika u prostoru korištenja radne opreme.
Koliko se često moraju ispitivati sredstva rada?
Svake 3 godine.
Moraju li se ispitivati ručni alati?
Ručni alat nije predmet ispitivanja.
Ne posjedujemo viličar, već ga unajmljujemo. Tko ga je obavezan ispitati?
Obveznik ispitivanja uvijek je ona tvrtka koja koristi sredstvo rada.
Specialist for this service is:
Tomislav Nimac
Senior Expert in Occupational Safety
+385 (1) 28 52 117
+385 95 802 71 73