Disinsection services are part of mandatory DDD (Disinfection, Disinsection, and Deratization) measures for the protection of the population from infectious diseases.
Ensuring the implementation of mandatory DDD measures is obligatory for companies, institutions, and other legal and natural persons who perform activities by personal work, as well as individuals who own, possess, or manage facilities in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases and the Regulation on the Implementation of Mandatory DDD Measures. The frequency of implementing these measures varies, depending on the purpose of the facility and established needs, with mandatory DDD measures being carried out from 2 to 4 times a year.

Disinsection is a set of various measures taken with the aim of reducing the population to below the harm threshold, stopping their growth and reproduction, or completely destroying the population of harmful arthropods (Arthropoda). These arthropods transmit infectious disease agents, parasitize on human bodies, cause allergic reactions, have a toxic effect, or are pests or storage pests in food. Disinsection is carried out through mechanical, physical, biological, or chemical measures. Disinsection also involves preventing the entry and retention of harmful arthropods (Arthropoda) on surfaces, in spaces, or in buildings.
Harmful arthropods (Arthropoda) of public health importance include:
- Carriers of infectious diseases: mosquitoes, midges, flies, fleas, body lice, ticks
- Mechanical carriers of microorganisms: cockroaches (brown and black), ants - pharaoh and others (domestic)
- Body parasites: head lice and pubic lice
- Causes of allergic reactions: bedbugs, butterflies, beetles, mites
- Harmful arthropods with toxic effects: spiders, wasps, hornets and horseflies, biting insects, leeches, centipedes
- Storage pests: moths, beetles, mites
- Arthropods of aesthetic or public health importance: cockchafers, cicadas, locusts, and crickets.
Mechanical measures of disinsection
These involve cleaning rooms, timely removal of waste and other materials suitable for the development of harmful arthropods (Arthropoda), rearranging stocks, turning over and drying habitats, installing barriers (nets), using traps and adhesive tapes with or without attractants.
Physical measures of disinsection
These involve regulating microclimates, using heat or cold, and light to reduce the present population, stop growth and reproduction, or completely destroy harmful arthropods (Arthropoda).
Biological measures of disinsection
These involve the use of vertebrates with the permission of the relevant ministry and various strains of microorganisms that act selectively on targeted species of harmful arthropods (Arthropoda) or their developmental forms, without harming or endangering other species and the environment.
Chemical measures of disinsection
These involve the use of pesticides to reduce the overall number, stop growth and reproduction, or completely destroy the present population of harmful arthropods (Arthropoda) and their developmental forms. The pesticide application techniques we use include:
- Dusting - application of pesticides in powder formulation manually or with a dusting device
- Granule application - application of pesticides in microgranule or granule formulation, manually or with a granule applicator
- Spraying - application of pesticide working solutions in the form of solutions, emulsions, or suspensions with hand or motorized sprayers with droplets ranging from 100 to 200 microns in size
- Spraying (mist application) - application of pesticide working solutions in the form of solutions, emulsions, or suspensions with electro or gasoline-powered spraying devices with droplets ranging from 50 to 100 microns in size
- Fogging - application of pesticides in the form of concentrated solutions or working solutions (water-based or oil-based) with warm or cold fogging devices with droplets up to 50 microns in size
Mandatory DDD measures (deratization, disinsection, disinfection) are carried out in buildings, facilities, spaces, rooms, on devices and equipment of individuals engaged in economic activities, as well as in activities related to health, education, social care, hospitality, tourism, crafts, and services, sports and recreation, public water supply and wastewater treatment facilities, landfill sites for municipal waste disposal, public transportation activities, in and around residential buildings, on public surfaces and public facilities in towns and settlements, and other facilities of public health and municipal significance.
Anparo d.o.o. provides disinsection services based on the approval of the Minister of Health and Social Welfare in accordance with the Regulation on the conditions that legal and natural persons engaged in activities of mandatory disinfection, disinsection, and deratization must meet as measures to prevent and control infectious diseases among the population.
Information about this service is provided by:
Irena Ružić
Office Manager