11. September 2019.
This Law regulates the occupational safety and health system in the Republic of Croatia, particularly the national policy and activities, general principles of prevention, rules of occupational safety and health, employer's obligations, rights and duties of workers and workers' representatives for occupational safety and health, activities related to occupational safety and health, as well as supervision and misdemeanor liability.
8. May 2019.

Anparo became part of the family of companies
who encourage employee volunteering

Volunteering has a special value for the employee himself through getting to know the community, learning new knowledge and skills and creating a sense of belonging and usefulness. At the same time, volunteering contributes to organizations through the transfer of acquired competencies and knowledge of volunteers, but also through increasing employee satisfaction. Finally, volunteering activities increase the quality of life in society, are a source of economic growth, a path to integration and employment, and at the same time an activity that reduces economic and social inequalities.