1. April 2020.
The provisions of this Regulation shall not apply to: means of transport outside the employer's circle, or places of work within means of transport; temporary or mobile construction sites; exploration and exploitation of mineral resources; fishing boats
1. April 2020.
This Technical Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) prescribes, in the context of meeting the essential requirements for construction works (hereinafter referred to as electrical installations), requirements for design, execution, usability, maintenance and other requirements for electrical installations, and the technical characteristics and other requirements for products intended for installation in electrical installations (hereinafter: for electrical installations).
30. March 2020.
This Ordinance prescribes the conditions for granting authorization to perform checks of the correctness and functionality (hereinafter: correctness) of the performed stable systems, devices and installations for fire detection, alarm and extinguishing, detection and notification of the presence of flammable gases and vapors and prevention of fire spread (hereinafter: systems), as well as the method of verifying their correctness.