Regulation on Risk Assessment
11. September 2019.
I want the worker to ask me what kind of helmet to wear,And not that I control him if he wears it at all
Article 1.
This Ordinance lays down the obligation, methods and procedures for testing the working environment, the deadlines for testing and the content and manner of issuing the minutes of environmental testing.
Article 2.
(1) Testing in the working environment shall include the following tests:
1. testing of physical factors (temperature, relative humidity and airflow rate, brightness, noise and vibration)
2. testing of chemical factors (concentration of gases, vapors, dust soils and aerosols)
3. testing of biological factors.
(2) Under the examination referred to in paragraph 1. this Article is considered to be the implementation of procedures for measuring factors in the working environment according to the applicable standards and comparing and evaluating the obtained measurement results with the permissible values of exposure to certain harmful nesses according to regulations or standards in the field of occupational health protection.
Article 3.
(1) An authorised person may carry out the tests referred to in the Article 2nd point 1. and 2 of this Ordinance if it has an authorization issued in accordance with the provisions of the regulations on authorizations for occupational safety and if it meets the technical requirements prescribed by this Ordinance.
(2) Authorisation for biological damage tests referred to in article 2nd point 3. of this Ordinance shall be issued to a person who meets the requirements in accordance with the provisions of the regulations on authorizations for occupational safety and who possesses a certificate of accreditation or a certificate of professional technical competence for biological hazard tests.
Article 4.
(1) With the authorisation referred to in Article 3. item 1 An authorized person must own the measuring and test equipment referred to in the Annex which is an integral part of this Regulation.
(2) In addition to the measuring and test equipment listed in the Annex to this Regulation, an authorized person may also have additional measuring and testing equipment for specific tests owned by him or on the basis of a rental agreement.
Article 5.
(1) Measuring and test equipment referred to in Article 4. this Regulation, it must be kept and maintained in the manner indicated in the instructions of the manufacturer of equipment.
(2) Documentation shall be kept on the measuring and test equipment, which shall contain the following information:
– name of measuring and testing equipment
– manufacturer name
– type code and serial number
– year of production
– year of putting into service
– date of last calibration and
– proof of ownership or lease (for accessories).
(3) The measuring and test equipment referred to in the Annex to this Regulation for which there is an obligation to calibrate shall be calibrated in the manner and within the deadlines set by the regulations or according to the recommendation of the manufacturer.
Article 6.
(1) Each employer shall, according to the provisions of this Ordinance, ensure the testing of the working environment in the following cases:
1. when the working process affects the temperature, humidity and speed of air flow
2. when working it is necessary to ensure an adequate level of illumination
3. when noise or vibration occurs in the working process
4. when gases, vapors, dusts or aerosols are formed in the working process
5. when the presence of biological agents used in work outside the primary
physical isolation.
(2) The tests referred to in paragraph 1. This article is done:
1. immediately after the conditions have arisen, i.e. changes due to which the test is mandatory
2. on the basis of the decision of the labour inspector or
3. periodically within the periods which may not exceed three years, unless a special regulation does not
differently specified.
Article 7.
An authorised person performing environmental tests shall keep records of all test subjects, test procedures and conditions, test results and measuring and testing equipment used during the test.
Article 8.
To assess the fulfilment of health requirements in the working environment, the prescribed (permissible) exposure values in the working environment are used, established by occupational safety regulations, i.e. established by the relevant Croatian standards.
Article 9.
(1) A record shall be drawn up on the conducted environmental test containing at least the following information:
1. name and seat and OIB of the employer of the user of premises and premises where tests are carried out in the working environment
2. name and registered office and OIB of an authorised person carrying out tests in the working environment
3. the number of minutes and the date of preparation
4. number and date of issuance of the decision on the authorization to perform environmental testing
5. the names of the regulations setting out the obligation to test the working environment
6. the names of regulations and/or standards according to whose requirements an assessment of permitted values for certain hazards in the working environment is given
7. data on hazards that occur in working premises or premises depending on the work process
8. types of tests performed in the working environment
9. a description of the premises and premises with a description of the purpose of individual rooms and premises, a description of the processes that take place in them and a description of the work equipment contained in them
10. a sketch of the premises, premises and the immediate environment with a mandatory label of the measuring points where measurements were made for each individual harmfulness or the indication of the places where samples of biological hazards were taken
11. name and surname, OIB and professional qualifications for all persons participating in the examination procedure, and for occupational safety experts and data on passed professional exam
12. date of commencement and end of the test
13. information on the technical documentation used
14. data on external conditions that may affect test results
15. methods, procedures and standards and detailed data on the measuring and testing equipment (type, model, tv. number) used in the test (measurements)
16. the conditions of the work process under which the examination was carried out
17. comparative data presented in tabular terms on the measured and permissible harmfulness values in the working environment with an indication of the fulfillment of the prescribed requirements for each measured harm or sample of harm
18. a concluding assessment presented in a review by individual working premises, premises and the immediate environment that the test results meet the prescribed requirements, or a description of the deficiencies due to which the results do not meet the prescribed requirements with proposals for measures to reduce the impact of certain hazards in the working environment on the health of workers; and
19. an indication of the prescribed time limit for the next examination.
(2) If an authorized person exceptionally entrusts the testing of a particular factor of the working environment to another authorized person who has within his composition a scientific research laboratory, they shall be obliged to attach to their own minutes the original record (report) of another authorized person who carried out that test.
(3) If more than one person participated in the examination, each of them shall be personally signed after the data on the test operation carried out by him.
(4) The minutes shall be signed by hand by all persons who have carried out the examination.
(5) The concluding assessment of the minutes shall be signed by a person employed by an authorized person who meets the prescribed conditions for obtaining authorization for the examination of certain harmfulness in the working environment, according to the regulation on authorizations for occupational safety.
Article 10
Authorised persons authorised to test the working environment shall comply with the provisions of this Ordinance within 6 months from the date of its entry into force.
Article 11
On the date of entry into force of this Regulation, Article 15 shall cease to apply. Ordinance on testing the working environment and machines and devices with increased hazards (“Official Gazette”, no. 114/02, 131/02 and 126/03) and the form of the test certificate Form – RO.
Article 12
This Regulation shall enter into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Official Gazette”.
Class: 011-02/15-01/07
Reg.: 524-03-02-01/2-16-33
Zagreb, 10. February 2016
Dr. Sc. Hope is shining, v. r.
– sound meter according to the requirements of HRN EN 61672
– sound calibrator according to the requirements of HRN EN 60942
– frequency analyzer according to the requirements of HRN EN 61260
– vibration meter that allows measuring and evaluating vibrations that affect the hands or the whole body
– brightness meter (lx) with colour correction (V(I)) and cosine correction
Types of harm:
1. Dust
2. Dust in the form of fibers
3. inorganic gases and vapors
4. Organic gases and vapors
5. substances requiring specific analytical techniques.
The bundle requirements for measuring equipment for all five points of harm are:
– sampling pumps
– personal dosimeters
– appropriate heads for attaching to pumps for taking different samples
– pump calibration devices
– moderate chronometer or other timer
– temperature meter, hygrometer, barometer, anemometer
– data processing and storage system.
The requirements for measuring equipment at individual points are:
1. for dust:
– stationary sampling system for fine and total dust with appropriate heads for taking
– calibrated analytical balance
– filter conditioning equipment
– measuring device for estimating the concentration of respirable dust
– equipment for conimetric dust analysis
2. For dust in the form of fibers:
– appropriate heads, declared for sampling dust in the form of fibers
– phase contrast optical microscope
3. for inorganic gases and vapours:
– sampling equipment in liquid and solid absorption media
– Spectrophotometer UV/VIS/IR
– a system for continuous monitoring of the concentration of substances in the air with direct reading
– method for potentiometric determination of substance concentrations
4. for organic gases and vapors:
– sampling equipment in liquid and solid absorption media
– capillary gas chromatograph with FID detector
– Spectrophotometer UV/VIS/IR
– process or system for identifying substances
– system for continuous reception of airborne concentrations of substances with direct reading
5. for substances requiring specific analytical techniques:
– high-pressure liquid chromatograph (HPLC), instrument for determination of total organic carbon, capillary gas chromatograph with different detectors
– measuring instrument for measuring air temperature, relative humidity and airflow rate measurements
– measuring instrument for measuring thermal radiation
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Branimir Milanković
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