Ordinance on maximum permitted noise levels in the environment in which people work and stay
1. April 2020.Law on protection of the population from infectious diseases
Article 1.
1) These Regulations prescribe minimum requirements regarding fire protection for catering facilities.
2) Catering facility is considered to be catering units that are as such determined by the regulation on classification, minimum requirements and categorization of catering facilities.
Article 2.
This Ordinance does not apply to catering facilities located in old town cores and to catering facilities that have been declared monuments of culture.
Article 3.
1) The individual terms and terms used in this Regulation shall have the following meaning:
– exit road is a part of a catering facility that, in case of fire, evacuates people to an open (free) space, and consists of an external exit, a security exit road and / or an access area,
– access area is part of the exit road from the exit door from a catering facility (rooms, apartments, utility rooms, etc.) to the security exit road or external exit,
– safety exit path is a part of the exit road that is separated from other parts of the catering facility by building elements of certain fire resistance (walls, ceilings, doors, etc.),
– a security staircase is a staircase that is part of a security exit road,
– the outer exit from the catering facility is any exit leading to the street or a sufficiently large open and non-threatened space,
– public space in the catering facility is the part of the facility to which access is allowed to all users of the facility,
– a blind corridor is a corridor with an exit in only one direction,
– load-bearing structures are structures of a catering facility through which the load is transferred directly or through other structures to the ground (load-bearing walls, columns, beams, lattice girders, etc.),
– fire wall is a wall of minimum fire resistance of 90 minutes that intersects the building from the foundation to the roof and ends on the roof with an overhanging of at least 50 cm above the roof, or with a console under the roof width of at least 1 m to the left and right of the fire wall of the same fire resistance as the fire wall,
– high buildings are buildings whose height of the floor of the highest floor is at least 22 m above the lowest elevation of the surface with a catering facility that serves as a firefighting approach,
– fire resistance is the property of building elements or structures to preserve stability for a certain period of time in conditions of exposure to typical fire development, and/or prevent the penetration of flames and thermal radiation in accordance with the requirements of the fire resistance test standard,
– the fire resistance class is determined by the time in which the building element or structure in conditions of typical fire development has preserved its stability, prevented the penetration of flames or thermal radiation in accordance with the values permitted by the standard,
– typical fire development is determined by a curve that is standardized according to HRN DIN 4102, part 2,
– fire-resistant doors are doors that have a fire resistance class of at least 30 minutes and that possess a certificate of conformity (certificate) of type with the requirements of HRN DIN 4102, Part 5 for fire resistance. Fire-resistant doors must have an automatic door closing device,
– an automatic door closing device is a device that keeps a fire-resistant door open or closed, and when changing some of the fire-resistant fire-resistant doors,
general lighting means artificial lighting of a building or premises or part thereof that corresponds to their specific purpose,
– safety lighting is artificial lighting of a building or premises or part thereof, added to general lighting for safety reasons. It consists of auxiliary and panic lighting, and is automatically switched on during interference or interruption in the power supply of general lighting,
– auxiliary lighting is a security lighting that illuminates the space with minimally prescribed lighting during the minimum prescribed time,
– panic lighting is a safety lighting that indicates the shortest route from a building or space to a safe open space during the minimum prescribed time,
– underground garage is a space for leaving vehicles unattended by a driver whose ceiling is located at a height of less than 1.7 m above the elevation of the surrounding ground,
– utility rooms are engine room, boiler rooms, fuel storage, pumping stations, rooms for accommodating generators el. electricity, transformers, cooling devices, switchgear (cabinets), systems with gas cylinders, warehouses and other premises for performing service activities,
– the manager of the catering facility is the person who manages the operation of the catering facility (if such a person is not named, the manager is considered the owner).
Article 4.
1) Fire resistance of load-bearing structures of a catering establishment not higher than three floors must be at least 30 minutes.
2) Fire resistance of load-bearing structures of catering establishments that are higher than three floors and are not tall establishments, shall be at least 60 minutes.
3) For catering establishments that belong to high facilities, fire resistance of load-bearing structures is determined in accordance with the regulations on high-rise facilities.
Article 5.
Fire resistance of building elements is proven according to the corresponding standard of the HRN DIN 4102 group.
Article 6.
1) Catering establishments must be divided into fire sectors.
2) The size of the fire sector in catering facilities higher than three floors, which do not belong to high-rise facilities, may be a maximum of 1 500 m2.
3) The size of the fire sector in catering facilities that belong to high-rise facilities is determined in accordance with the fire protection regulations of high-rise buildings.
4) The fire sector in catering establishments that are taller than three floors may include a maximum of two floors, where the length of the longer side of the fire sector may be a maximum of 60 m.
5) Building elements and opening closure devices at the fire sector boundary may have fire resistance for a maximum of 30 minutes less than the fire resistance of elements at the fire sector boundary in which they are installed but not less than 30 minutes.
6) Paragraphs 2. and 4. this Article does not apply to fire sectors protected by a stable sprinkler type fire extinguishing system.
Article 7.
Catering facilities that contact other buildings must be separated from them by an external fire wall.
Article 8.
The width of the exit routes in the narrowest place shall not be less than the sizes prescribed in Table 1. which is printed to this Regulation and is an integral part of it.
Article 9.
1) The length of the access area may be a maximum of 35 m.
2) The distance referred to in paragraph 1. this article can be up to 55 m if the space through which the road leads is referred to in paragraph 1. this article protected by a stable fire extinguishing system type sprinkler.
Article 10
1) Building elements that have a safe exit route from catering establishments that are not higher than three floors must have fire resistance for at least 30 minutes.
2) In catering establishments, which are taller than three floors, the building elements bordering the safe exit path (walls, floors, ceilings) must have fire resistance of at least equal to the fire resistance of load-bearing structures of the building.
3) Fire resistance from paragraphs 1. and 2 of this Article shall be demonstrated in accordance with the provisions of Article 5. this rulebook.
Article 11
1) In catering facilities that are higher than two floors, there must be the possibility of exiting each floor by way of exit in at least two directions.
2) Exceptionally the provisions of paragraph 1. this Article shall not apply to catering establishments up to 4 floors in height if the following conditions are met:
– on one floor there can be a maximum of 6 bedrooms,
– the distance from the axis of the door of any bedroom to the staircase is not more than 10 m,
– the distance from the farthest part of any public space accessible to persons to the staircase is not more than 15 m,
– the staircase is not a rope of 1.1 m,
– the staircase meets the requirements of the articles 16. 17 of this Regulation.
Article 12
1) Doors shall be installed at all entrances and exits to the safety exit path which may have a maximum of 30 minutes less fire resistance than the building elements of the safe exit path in which they are installed but not less than 30 minutes.
Article 13
Restaurants that are taller than three floors must have at least one security staircase.
Article 14
1) The width of the staircase used as a way out shall be determined according to the design number of persons who can use the staircase and the number of floors from which persons come out to the staircase and shall not be less than the values prescribed in Table 2. which is printed to this Regulation and is an integral part of it.
2) The width of the staircase shall not be in any place less than the width of the entrance by which to enter the staircase.
3) The width of the staircase in catering establishments higher than 30 m measured from the level of the lowest elevation area next to the catering facility serving as a firefighting approach, shall in no case be less than 1.4 m.
Article 15
(1) Only non-combustible or combustible materials of class A1 and A2 may be used for the final cladding of building elements bounded by the safety exit road, which may be covered with class B1 materials.
2) For the final decoration of the walls of the access area, materials of the combustible class of at least B1 may be used, and floors of the smallest class of combustible B2 may be used.
3) Only non-combustible or combustible materials of class A1 and A2 may be used for the final arrangement of the ceilings of exit routes.
(4) Non-combustibility or classes of combustible materials referred to in paragraph 1, 2. and 3 of this Article shall be proved according to HRN DIN 4102, Part 1 and Part 14, or 4102, Part 4.
Article 16
1) The catering facility must be designed in such a way that the length of the blind corridor does not exceed 10 m.
2) By way of derogation from paragraph 1. this article the length of a blind corridor that is protected in a catering facility by a fire extinguishing system of the sprinkler type should not exceed 15 m.
3) The length of the blind corridor from paragraphs 1. and 2 of this Article is measured by the bisector of the floor area of the hallway.
Article 17
1) At the highest part of the staircase used as an exit road, smoke and heat extractorelements, with a bright opening of at least 1 square meter, shall be installed, which open automatically and must also have the possibility of manual opening.
2) Smoke and heat dissipation elements in catering establishments that have a fire alarm system installed must be opened by the operation of a fire alarm system.
3) If the staircase referred to in paragraph 1. this article is located on the outer wall of the catering facility as elements for the removal of smoke and heat can be used and folding windows that can be opened from the ground floor and the staircase of the last floor.
Article 18
On the exit roads there must not be items that help spread the fire (for example, fuel packaging, furniture parts, fuel curtains, etc.), things that could interfere with the exit of people (for example, appliances of various purposes, wardrobes, spare parts, stored goods, etc.), nor mirrors that could confuse people in case of evacuation.
Article 19
1) Doors on exit paths shall not have locking options and must be opened in the direction of the exit.
(2) Swivel or sliding doors shall not be considered appropriate doors on the way out and additional doors shall be installed next to them in accordance with paragraph 1. this article.
3) Paragraph 1 this article does not apply to the external doors of the catering facility that are under the constant direct supervision of the employees of the catering facility.
4) The outer door referred to in paragraph 3. this article must be constantly unlocked at the time of use of the catering facility.
5) The door lock located on the exit paths must be so constructed as to allow the door to be opened by pressing any part of the human body against the part of the door at the height of the lock.
6) The provisions of this Article do not apply to the doors of the rooms where guests stay, such as sleeping rooms, apartments, etc.
Article 20
Each catering facility must have a firefighting approach built in accordance with the Ordinance on conditions for firefighting approaches.
Article 21
1) Attics in catering establishments must be designed as a separate fire sector separated from other parts of the catering facility by building elements that have fire resistance of at least 60 minutes.
2) In the event that a fire alarm system is installed in the attic area of the elements referred to in paragraph 1. this article must be at least 30 minutes.
3) Paragraph provisions 1. and 2 of this Article do not apply to catering facilities up to three floors high and in the case where the attic area is protected by a stable fire extinguishing system.
4) Attic spaces must be clean and should not be used to hold combustible substances.
Article 22
1) Catering facilities, in addition to general lighting, must also have safety lighting, which must meet the prescribed requirements for safety electrical systems.
2) Auxiliary lighting referred to in paragraph 1. this article must illuminate the room in which it is carried out with a minimum illumination of 1 lux, measured on the floor of the room, for a time of at least 2 hours after switching on.
3) Panic lighting referred to in paragraph 1. this article must illuminate the outlet space with a minimum illumination of 1 lux, measured on the floor of the room, for a time of at least 2 hours per turn-on.
4) Paragraph 1 this article does not apply to camps, holiday homes and apartments, rooms for rent and catering facilities for food in which a maximum of 50 people can gather or have a floor area of less than 50 m2, and are located on the ground floor.
Article 23
1) Safety lighting must be inspected at least twice a year, mandatory once just before the start of the main tourist season.
(2) The examinations referred to in paragraph 1. this article must be kept records.
3) The responsible person for inspection and record keeping is the person in charge of fire protection in the catering facility.
Article 24
1) The ventilation system of the catering facility must be designed in such a way as to prevent the entry of combustion products into the space of exit roads and to enable its cleaning, maintenance and verification of the correct operation of the dampers.
2) The ventilation system must be constructed in accordance with the regulations on technical norms for ventilation or air conditioning systems.
Article 25
1) Dampers referred to in Article 24. item 2 These regulations must be fire resistant:
– in buildings up to 3 floors above ground at least 30 minutes,
– in buildings above 3 floors above ground, which do not belong to tall buildings for at least 60 minutes,
– in tall objects for at least 90 minutes.
2) Dampers referred to in paragraph 1. this article must have an automatic closing device that is activated in case of fire.
Article 26
In the event that three or more fire-resistant dampers are installed in the ventilation ducts of the catering establishment, the automatic closing device referred to in Article 25 of the Regulation this Regulation must be carried out in such a way that in the event of a fire, the dampers are also closed through the fire alarm switchboard.
Article 27
1) Ventilation ducts must be cleaned at least once a year, and ventilation ducts from food preparation rooms every 3 months during the operation of the catering establishment.
2) In catering establishments operating seasonally, cleaning of ventilation ducts must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. this article, and from the premises for food preparation both before and after the cessation of operation of the catering facility.
3) On the cleaning referred to in paragraphs 1. and 2 of this Article shall be kept records.
4) Responsible for keeping the records referred to in paragraph 1. this article is the person in charge of fire protection in a catering facility.
5) The responsible person for the cleaning of ventilation ducts is the manager of the catering facility.
Article 28
1) Catering facilities that can accommodate more than 100 people at the same time must have a fire alarm system.
2) Fire alarm system referred to in paragraph 1. this article must be performed in corridors, utility rooms and in all parts of the catering facility that are risky for the occurrence of fire, and which are occasionally entered.
3) The system referred to in paragraph 1. this article must be designed and built in accordance with the provisions of Croatian regulations, and until the adoption of Croatian regulations, European regulations will be applied as a rule of technical practice.
4) Manual fire detectors must be placed in such a way that from any place in the building to the manual fire detector the distance is not more than 30 m.
5) The provisions of this Article do not apply to food facilities, and to catering establishments that are protected by a stable fire extinguishing system if they are not operated with a fire alarm system.
Article 29
1) Catering facilities that can accommodate more than 250 people at the same time must have an alarm sound device.
(2) The alarm device may be a siren or a bell whose sound strength is at least thirty decibels higher than the ambient noise measured in the most unfavorable place, but not more than 110 decibels measured at a distance of 1 meter from the alarm device.
(3) The alarm device shall also have a secondary power source, which shall have such characteristics as to enable the alarm device to operate for a period of at least 24 hours in the preparation state and 10 minutes in operational condition.
4) In the event that there is an automatic fire alarm system, the alert device must be activated automatically after the operation of two automatic fire detectors located in two different alert zones or at addressable fire detectors when the second stage is operational (alert).
Article 30
1) The catering facility must contain an appropriate number of fire extinguishers in accordance with the regulations on the maintenance and selection of fire extinguishers and the provisions of this Article, but not less than 2 fire extinguishers on each floor of the catering facility.
2) The type of fire extinguisher is determined by the type of fire that may occur in the area to be protected.
3) The unit apparatus shall be determined according to the regulations on the maintenance and selection of fire extinguishers.
4) The maximum mass of fire extinguishers that can be used for fire protection in a catering facility is 6 kg, except in auxiliary rooms.
5) The maximum distance between the place where the fire extinguisher is located and the place where a person can be found in the event of a fire shall not exceed 25 m.
Article 31
1) Catering facilities whose area is greater than 500 m ̨ must have an internal and external hydrant network for extinguishing fires.
2) Provisions of paragraph 1. this article does not apply to holiday homes and apartments and rooms for rent.
3) Fire sectors in catering establishments referred to in paragraph 1. this article that are protected by stable sprinkler-type systems do not need to have an internal fire extinguishing hydrant network.
4) The technical characteristics of the fire extinguishing hydrant network shall be determined according to the provisions of the regulations on the fire extinguishing hydrant network.
Article 32
Rooms in catering facilities intended for gathering or staying persons with an area of more than 800 square meters or with the possibility of simultaneous accommodation of more than 300 people must have a stable automatic fire extinguishing system type sprinkler.
Article 33
1) Catering facilities must have installations for protection against atmospheric discharge, which must be carried out and maintained in accordance with Croatian regulations on installations for protection against atmospheric discharge.
2) The correctness of the installation referred to in paragraph 1. this article must be periodically examined at least once within 3 years.
3) Catering facilities shall not be protected from atmospheric discharge with lightning rods with a radioactive source of radiation.
4) Existing radioactive lightning rods must be removed from catering establishments and replaced with classical ones no later than the moment of the first replacement of the radioactive element.
Article 34
1) Employed persons in the catering facility must be trained for fire protection.
2) Employed persons are trained in fire protection if they know:
– correctly use fire extinguishing devices (means) located in the specific catering facility where they are employed;
– activate the alarm system and turn off the primary power source of the catering facility with energy sources (gas and electricity);
– turn off the ventilation system;
– the procedure of evacuation of persons from any space of the catering facility.
3) The responsible person for ensuring the training of employees for fire protection of the catering facility is the manager of the catering facility.
4) Training referred to in paragraph 1. this Article may be carried out by school institutions and legal entities authorized to train the population to implement preventive measures of fire protection, firefighting and rescue of people and property.
5) A certificate of competence to any employee who is qualified within the meaning of paragraph 2. this Article is issued by school institutions or legal entities authorized to train the population to implement preventive measures of fire protection, firefighting and rescue of people and property.
6) The manager of the catering facility must have the document referred to in paragraph 5 for each employee permanently or occasionally (seasonally) employed in the catering facility. this article, the form of which is prescribed by the regulation on the program and method of training the population for the implementation of preventive measures of fire protection, firefighting and rescue of people and property endangered by fire.
7) Aptitude test referred to in paragraph 1. this article can be performed by a fire protection inspector.
Article 35
1) The staff of a catering facility that can accommodate more than 100 people at the same time must participate at least once a year, in an evacuation exercise and an exercise in the use of extinguishing agents that protect the catering facility.
2) Responsible person for the implementation of the provision of paragraph 1. this article is the manager of the catering facility.
3) On the participation of staff in the exercises referred to in paragraph 1. in this Article, the responsible person for fire protection in a catering facility is obliged to keep records.
Article 36
Staff employed in the catering facility must at all times have access to the premises in which they are located:
– fire alarm switchboards;
– main power supply switch;
– devices for turning off the ventilation system;
– devices for managing the operation of stable fire extinguishing systems;
– devices for the distribution of water on the vertical pipeline.
Article 37
Each catering facility must have prominent instructions in case of fire and a plan of the catering facility with the following marked:
the stairwells and exit roads,
– places where fire extinguishers are located,
– the place where the main power switch of the catering facility with electricity and the main shutter for quick closing of the gas supply is located,
– the place of disconnection of the ventilation system if it is installed in the facility,
– the place of accommodation of the fire alarm switchboard if it is installed in the facility,
– installations and areas of increased risk of fire if they exist in the facility.
Article 38
1) In all facilities that are higher than two floors, on each floor of the catering facility must be displayed a simplified floor plan near the entrance to the floor in question.
2) On the simplified plan referred to in paragraph 1. this article must indicate the exit routes in case of emergency and the place where the plan is set up.
Article 39
1) In each bedroom of the catering facility there must be an instruction on behavior in case of fire.
(2) The instructions referred to in paragraph 1. this article must be written in Croatian and in the national languages of guests who most often stay in a catering facility, and at least in English and German.
3) The instructions referred to in paragraph 1. this article must also contain a schematic representation of the placement of the bedroom in relation to the exit paths.
4) In the instructions referred to in paragraph 1. in particular, it must be indicated that in the event of fire, exit elevators may not be used unless they are safety elevators for handicapped persons, which must be specially marked and which must be specially protected in case of fire, in accordance with Croatian regulations or recognized rules of technical practice.
Article 40
All exit paths and doors on exit routes must be marked with appropriate markings in accordance with HRN ISO 6309.
Article 41
1) Auxiliary premises shall be performed as separate fire-resistant elements for at least 60 minutes, unless a special regulation specifies greater fire resistance.
2) Fire resistance of building elements referred to in paragraph 1. this article can also be 30 minutes if a fire alarm system is installed in the utility rooms.
3) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to utility rooms with built-in automatic fire extinguishing systems.
Article 42
1) No openings are permitted between the staircases serving as the exit road and the utility rooms.
2) Direct access to the staircase serving as an exit route shall not be possible from the utility rooms.
3) Access to the staircase referred to in paragraph 1. this article from utility rooms which are not used to accommodate a transformer or a high voltage switchboard must be carried out through a vestibule which is derived as a separate fire sector, the elements of which have a fire resistance of at least 30 minutes.
4) The entrance to utility rooms where high voltage switchcabinets and transformer stations are located can only be from the outside space.
5) Auxiliary premises referred to in paragraph 4. this article must not have any internal connection with other premises in the catering facility.
Article 43
1) Underground garages that are part of the catering facility must have a stable fire extinguishing system type sprinkler.
2) Stable system referred to in paragraph 1. this article must be made in accordance with the VdS Guidelines for the design and execution of sprinkler devices until the adoption of Croatian regulations.
3) Underground garages referred to in paragraph 1. this article must have at least two times to go out for persons.
Article 44
1) The engine room of the elevator shall be located at the top of the shaft in a space bounded by non-combustible building elements.
2) The shaft design and shaft finishing materials shall be non-combustible or combustible class A1 and/or A2. Non-combustibility or fuel classes shall be demonstrated in accordance with the provisions of Article 15. item 4 this rulebook.
3) Elevator shafts must be performed as a special fire sector. The building elements of the elevator shaft can have a maximum of 30 minutes less fire resistance than the fire resistance of the load-bearing structure of the catering facility, but not less than 30 minutes.
4) Doors on elevator shafts can have fire resistance for a maximum of 30 minutes less than the fire resistance of the structural elements of the shaft but not less than 30 minutes.
Article 45
1) Elevators shall not be used to evacuate persons during fire and shall not be an integral part of the exit route.
(2) Provision referred to in paragraph 1. this Article does not apply to elevators for the evacuation of disabled persons.
3) Elevators for the evacuation of disabled persons and spaces of the elevator engine room shall be constructed from building elements whose fire resistance must be at least equal to the fire resistance of the load-bearing structure of the catering establishment.
4) Elevators referred to in paragraph 3. this Article must have ensured autonomy of operation at least for a time equal to the time of fire resistance of the load-bearing structure of the building.
Article 46
(1) At the top of the elevator shaft or near the top of the elevator shaft there shall be a ventilation opening whose surface is not less than 0,2 m̨ and the shortest side of which shall not be less than 10 cm.
2) The opening referred to in paragraph 1. this article can be protected by a grid that must allow smoke to escape in the event of fire.
Article 47
(1) Ventilation from the areas in which the cooling installations are located must be carried out directly into the outdoor area, if a combustible gas is used as a cooling medium or in the event that the action of heat from the cooling medium can develop a toxic gas.
2) Installations referred to in paragraph 1. this article should not be placed in boiler room premises.
Article 48
1) Rooms for the accommodation of internal combustion engines (diesel or gasoline electric generators, compressors with internal combustion engines, gas engines, etc.) must be designed as a separate fire resistance sector of at least 60 minutes and must have an entrance from the outside space.
2) The premises referred to in paragraph 1. they must have ventilation carried out that provides at least 5 air exchanges per hour, and the ventilation duct leads directly to the outdoor area.
3) The outer space referred to in paragraph 2. this article must not be a lighthouse or a closed yard.
4) In the event that in the premises referred to in paragraph 1. this article uses gas fuel they are subject to the relevant provisions of Croatian regulations for the design, construction and maintenance of gas boiler rooms.
5) Paragraph 1 this Article does not apply to premises that have a stable fire extinguishing system installed.
Article 49
(1) Flammable liquids and gases used to drive the engine or for heating shall be placed in separate facilities, except for the quantities for daily use.
2) The entrance to the premises where flammable liquids or gases are stored must be from the outside, boiler room or room where the internal combustion engines are located.
3) The combustible liquid supply system shall have a device for automatic interruption of the fuel supply activated by means of a thermomaximum fire detector located in close proximity to the plant.
4) The flow of fuel must also be possible to stop by a manual device located outside the room where the fuel installation is located.
5) Provisions of paragraph 3. this article does not apply to plants that are placed outside the catering facility in a special facility from which the fire cannot be transferred to the catering facility.
Article 50
1) The premises in which the battery is charged must be ventilated with natural ventilation or electrical appliances and installations in the room must be carried out in explosion-proof design in accordance with Croatian regulations.
2) Ventilation referred to in paragraph 1. this article must be designed and executed in accordance with the provisions of Croatian regulations relating to the design, construction and operation of gas boiler rooms.
Article 51
1) Boiler rooms with a power exceeding 70 kW shall be located in a separate fire sector.
2) Building elements of the premises in which the boiler rooms referred to in paragraph 1 are located. this article must have fire resistance of at least 90 minutes.
3) Doors leading from the boiler room to the catering establishment must be fire resistant for at least 90 minutes.
4) Boiler room doors referred to in paragraph 3. this article must have a self-closing mechanism and have the inscription “DOORS MUST BE PERMANENTLY CLOSED” on them.
Article 52
1) Chimneys on the catering establishment must be maintained in accordance with the local decision on chimney service, and in case of absence thereof in accordance with the rules of technical practice.
2) The manager of the catering establishment shall possess the appropriate document of maintenance of the chimney referred to in paragraph 1. this article.
Article 53
1) Camps that can accommodate more than 3,000 people at the same time must have a threat assessment made, and based on the vulnerability assessment, a fire protection plan has been developed.
2) Campsites referred to in paragraph 1. this article must have built paths in accordance with the Ordinance on conditions for firefighting approaches.
Article 54
Routes at campsites must have names or numerical markings, and the campsite plan must be displayed at the reception.
Article 55
In a camp where more than 100 people can stay at the same time, each camper group must receive a camp plan at the beginning of the camping with marked paths in the camp and with the numbers of camping places, marked place of camping of the group or individual, place of installation of fire extinguishers, place of hydrants or place of water intervention and place of accommodation of necessary equipment for firefighting.
Article 56
1) The soil of the area around the camp, which can accommodate more than 3,000 people at the same time, with a width of at least 30 m must be cleared of, in terms of fire, risky material and risky plant cover.
2) Hazardous material and risky plant cover referred to in paragraph 1. this article is low vegetation, tree branches and leaves up to a height of 4 m.
3) Solidly masonry objects in forest areas must have a minimum distance from the risky plant cover 15 m.
4) Fire protection measure prescribed in paragraph 1. this Article does not apply to an inter-camp site protected by additional appropriate means of protection against the spread of fire or natural obstacles to the spread of fire, such as a solid wall without an opening that is at least 1 m higher than the plant cover within 30 m of the camp, a path around the camp built in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance on the conditions for firefighting approaches along which the hydrant network was built, river at least 6 m wide, etc.
Article 57
1) Bedrooms in solid-walled buildings located in a camp in a forest area, if they do not have at least two exits at opposite ends of the room allowing exit to two independent exit roads, shall have at least one opening that can be opened without the use of tools towards the open space, which has a minimum width of 51 cm and a minimum height of 61 cm.
2) The lower level of the opening referred to in paragraph 1. of this article should not be higher than 115 cm from the level of the surrounding ground.
Article 58
1) An open fire may be made only in places in the camp that have been specially prepared and marked for that purpose.
2) The combustion site shall be cleared of all vegetable cover within a circle of at least 1.5 m from the circuit in which the appearance of burning can be expected.
Article 59
1) Barbecues at the campsite may be used in places specially prepared and marked for this purpose.
2) Places prepared and marked for the use of the grill must meet the following conditions:
– the place around the grill must be cleaned of all combustible matter within 1.5 m of the edge of the grill,
– the barbecue stand must be tight and safe from rollover,
– at a distance of not more than 20 m there shall be fire extinguishing equipment consisting of a hydrant fire extinguishing network hydrant with associated equipment or at least 100 l of water per grill and one bucket or one Fire Extinguisher S-6 with ABC powder.
3) Portable grills should not be used indoors.
Article 60
Open fire combustion sites and places intended for grilling shall not be located at a distance of less than 3 m from the tent.
Article 61
1) In a campsite where it is possible to start a fire in an open area and/or to start a barbecue, a place for storing ash must be built.
(2) The ashes shall be disposed of only in a place prepared for this purpose which must be buried in the ground or in a specially prepared landfill made of non-combustible material.
(3) At a distance of at least 10 m from the landfill there shall be a fire extinguisher with the necessary equipment or a water reserve of at least 100 l with a bucket.
4) The ashes must be doused with water after each disposal.
5) No combustible substances shall be contained at a distance of 3 m from the landfill.
Article 62
1) Chimneys and chimney and firebox joints located in campbuildings must be inspected at least twice a month and, if necessary, cleaned.
2) Chimney outlet openings shall not be located at a distance of less than 3 m from the surrounding treetops or other flammable materials.
3) On the inspection of the chimney referred to in paragraph 1. this article must be kept records.
4) The responsible person for the inspection and keeping of records shall be the manager or owner of the camp.
Article 63
Chimneys on fireboxes in the camp, which are located in the forest, which are particularly dangerous for the occurrence of fires, must be equipped with a sparktrap.
Article 64
The solid fuel used must be located at least 9 m from the combustion site and the chimney joints.
Article 65
1) Camps where more than 3,000 people can be accommodated at the same time must have a fire extinguishing hydrant network built, and the possibility of reporting a fire to the nearest professional fire brigade.
2) Hydrants must be arranged in such a way that with the associated equipment the fire can be extinguished in every part of the camp.
3) Each hydrant must have the associated equipment that must be located next to the hydrant or in a marked place next to the campsite reception, except in the case referred to in Article 59. and 61. this rulebook.
Article 66
1) Campsites where no hydrant network has been built must have water reserves of at least 30 l per campervan, counting the maximum number of campers who can stay in the camp at the same time and the necessary extinguishing equipment, consisting of a bucket (at least 1 bucket must be installed for every 5 tents) and brentača (at least 1 brentača must be installed for every 20 tents).
2) Instead of water reserves, sea, rivers, streams or lakes with a built access road for fire engines to the place of water can be used. The difference in height between the water level and the level of the water intervention site shall not exceed 3 m.
3) The place of intervention or the place of accommodation of the water reserve may be located no more than 50 m from the camp and must be visibly marked, with markings and signposts in the camp.
Article 67
1) To protect the contents (tents, trailers, etc.) located in the camp, fire extinguishers with powder must be installed, at least 1 abc powder apparatus, 6 kg for every 16 tents or camping areas.
2) All indoor areas in the camp must be protected by the appropriate type and number of fire extinguishers, in accordance with the regulation on the maintenance and selection of fire extinguishers.
Article 68
1) A fine in the amount of HRK 500.00 to HRK 1,000.00 shall be imposed for an employee who finds himself at work in a catering facility and is not qualified for fire protection (Article 34, paragraph 1).
2) For the offence referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall be punished by the same fine and the responsible person in the legal entity.
Article 69
A fine in the amount of 1,000.00 to 2,000.00 shall be imposed on a natural person for a misdemeanor if:
1. light a fire in an open space at the campsite in places not specially prepared for this purpose or if it uses a barbecue in places that have not been prepared for it (article 58. and 59th paragraph 1. and 2);
2. uses a portable indoor grill (Article 59(3));
3. does not dispose of the ash at the prepared landfill and if the ash is not poured with water after disposal (Article 61,paragraphs 2 and 4).
Article 70
1) A fine in the amount of HRK 1,000.00 to HRK 5,000.00 shall be imposed on a legal person for a misdemeanor if:
1. the attic rooms do not keep clean and if it keeps combustible substances in the attic (Article 21, paragraph 4);
2. does not perform an emergency lighting inspection and if it does not keep a record of the inspection (Article 23 of the Code of Civil Procedure). paragraph 1. and 2);
3. does not clean the ventilation ducts or if it does not keep records of cleaning the ducts (Article 27);
4. fails to test the installation for protection against atmospheric discharge (Article 33, paragraph 2);
5. the premises referred to in Article 36 shall not be available to the employed staff.
6. at the prescribed place are not displayed instructions in case of fire, plans of the catering facility with prescribed markings, and other markings (Articles 37, 38, 39. and 40);
7. does not maintain chimneys or does not have a chimney maintenance document (Article 52);
8. no vulnerability assessment and fire protection plan have been drawn up for the camp (Article 53);
9. the routes in the campsite are not marked and if the camp plan is not displayed at the reception (Article 54);
10. camp plans are not handed over to campers at the beginning of camping (Article 55);
11. the area around the campsites is not arranged in accordance with the provisions of Article 56;
12. if he does not clean chimneys or does not keep records of the inspection and cleaning of chimneys (Article 62,1 and 3);
13. solid fuel is not kept at the prescribed distance from the combustion site and chimney (Article 64);
14. the location of the intervention or the place of the water reserve is not marked (Article 66, paragraph 3);
2) For the offence referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall be punished by a fine in the amount of HRK 500.00 to HRK 3,000.00 and the responsible person in the legal entity.
Article 71
1) A fine in the amount of HRK 10,000.00 to HRK 15,000.00 shall be imposed on a legal person for a misdemeanor if:
1. does not install a sufficient number of fire extinguishers for fire protection (Article 30, paragraph 1 and Article 67);
2. does not hold qualification documents for employed employees and if it does not provide training of employees for fire protection (Article 34);
3. evacuation exercises and exercises of the use of extinguishing agents are not carried out, and if no record is kept thereof (Article 35);
4. the combustion site has not been cleaned of vegetable cover (Article 58(2));
5. designate a place for the lighting of an open fire and a place for lighting the grill in an inappropriate place (Article 60);
6. does not build a place for ash disposal, and if it does not keep the area around the landfill clean of combustible substances (Article 61);
7. there is no necessary firefighting equipment or water reserves in the camp (article 65. and 66).
2) For the offence referred to in paragraph 1. this Article shall be punished by a fine in the amount of HRK 3,000.00 to HRK 5,000.00 and the responsible person in the legal entity.
Article 72
A fine in the amount of HRK 1,000.00 to HRK 5,000.00 will be imposed on a craftsman for a misdemeanor if:
1. the attic spaces are not kept clean and if it keeps combustible substances in the attic (Article 21, paragraph 4);
2. no inspection of safety lighting is carried out and if it does not keep records of the inspection (Article 23 of the Code of Civil Procedure). paragraph 1. and 2);
3. does not clean the ventilation ducts or if it does not keep records of cleaning the ducts (Article 27);
4. fails to test the installation for protection against atmospheric discharge (Article 33, paragraph 2);
5. evacuation exercises and exercises of the use of extinguishing agents are not carried out, and if no record is kept thereof (Article 35);
6. the premises referred to in Article 36 are not available to the employed staff;
7. at the prescribed place are not displayed instructions in case of fire, plans of the catering facility with prescribed markings, and other markings (Article 37, 38, 39. and 40);
8. does not maintain chimneys or if it does not have a chimney maintenance document (Article 52);
9. no threat assessment and fire protection plan have been developed for the camp (Article 53);
10. the routes in the campsite are not marked and if the camp plan is not displayed at the reception (Article 54);
11. camp plans are not handed over to campers at the beginning of camping (Article 55);
12. the area around the campsites is not arranged in accordance with the provisions (Article 56);
13. the combustion site has not been cleared of vegetable cover (Article 58(2));
14. designate a place for the lighting of an open fire and a place for burning the grill in an inappropriate place (Article 60);
15. does not build a place for the disposal of ash, and if it does not keep the area around the landfill clean of combustible substances (Article 61);
16. if the chimney is not cleaned or no records are kept on the inspection and cleaning of chimneys (Article 62);
17. solid fuel is not kept at a proper distance from the combustion site and chimney (Article 64);
18. there is no necessary firefighting equipment or water reserves in the camp (article 65. and 66);
19. the place of intervention or the place of the water reserve is not marked (Article 66(3) );
20. for fire protection does not install a sufficient number of fire extinguishers (Article 30, paragraph 1 and Article 67).
Article 73
This Regulation applies only to catering establishments whose construction will begin after the entry into force of this Regulation, with the exception of the provisions of Articles 18, 21, paragraphs 4, 27, 30, 33, 33, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 67 and Chapters VII, X and XI.
Article 74
Emergency lighting and portable fire extinguishers in existing catering establishments must be aligned with the provisions of this Ordinance within five years from the date of entry into force of this Regulation.
Article 75
Instructions and markings in catering establishments prescribed by this Ordinance must be placed within one month from the date of entry into force of this Ordinance.
Article 76
Existing camps must be fully aligned with the provisions of Article 53. within two years of the date of entry into force of this Regulation, and with the provisions of Article 30. and 67. paragraph 1 within one year from the date of entry into force of this Regulation.
Article 77
This Regulation shall enter into force on the eighth day from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Number: 511-01-90-27938/1-1998.
In Zagreb, 7. [Getty Images]
Minister of the Interior
Mr. Ivan Penić, V. R.
Specijalist za ovu uslugu je

Branimir Milanković
Voditelj odjela prodaje i marketinga
s preko 15 godina iskustva