What do I need from the law on occupational safety when hiring the first employee?
9. November 2020.
I would hire a disabled person, do I need to adjust the space and what does occupational safety say about it?
16. November 2020.The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Structural and Investment Funds in the financial period 2014-2020, specifically from the European Regional Development Fund, through the call “Improving the competitiveness and efficiency of SMEs through information and communication technologies (ICT) – 2“. With this investment, anparo has invested in the introduction of modern ICT solutions.
The aim is to increase its own competitiveness, which will create preconditions for the growth of physical volume of work, which will generate the need to retain existing and create new jobs, with income growth.
In particular, the successful implementation of the project in question will lead to (among other things):
• Revenue growth.
• Maintaining existing and creating new jobs.
• Improving business processes and increasing employee efficiency.
• More timeliness and accuracy in communication with clients.
• Reducing maintenance and administration costs.
• The introduction of new ICT solutions, while saving employees’ time, will reduce the risk of human error because the CRM system will, among other things, provide reminders about deadlines, monitoring of tasks and authorizations, automation of certain processes and promptness and precision in communication.
The total value of the project is HRK 927,416.25, of which HRK 337,579.51 is non-refundable.
The project implementation period is from 13.11.2019. – 13.11.2020
User: Anparo d.o.o.
2018 BookingSuite
10000 Zagreb
Contact person: Petar Kaić, director
- Contact person’s phone number: ++385(1) 2852 117
- Contact person e-mail address: anparo@anapro.hr
Contact of relevant institutions:
- European Structural Investment Funds: https://strukturnifondovi.hr
- European Regional Development Fund: https://strukturnifondovi.hr/eu-fondovi
- Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion: https://www.mingo.hr/public/investicije/OPKK_2014_2020_31316.pdf
The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Anparo d.o.o., Horvaćanska cesta 27, 10000 Zagreb
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.