Other | 15 godina iskustva| Anparo
2. February 2021.

Stress in the workplace, the cause of many financial losses for the company

We want to present you with a part of occupational safety that has been unfairly neglected even by authorized companies. The part that is only mentioned along the way works as a footnote in occupational safety documents. Just enough to fulfill the legal form. We would like to make a departure from the dry, legal definition, what we all have in mind when we hear and think about safety at work. To show that safety at work properly applied in its entire scope and hidden potentials, can, proven to have a positive impact on the entire life of a company employee (even outside his professional segment, working hours). Therefore, the overall work and financial performance of the company in which he works and ultimately on the employee's private, family part of life, which I believe should be the most important thing for all of us.
25. January 2021.

Termination of employment contracts and safety at work

What to do when it comes to safety at work when you cancel an employment contract? I believe that none of you are happy to fire an employee – no matter how justified the reason, I assume that this is a relatively stressful situation for him and for you.
18. January 2021.

What to do in case of an injury at work?

There was an injury at work - what should I do? What does safety at work say about this? Honestly, this is the worst question we can get. Not because we don't know the answer to it, but because it usually means that someone has failed somewhere. It's either us, or the employer, or I'm an employee because in the event of work injuries we can rarely talk about an accident; Most often someone made a mistake somewhere. Admittedly, sometimes an injury can be caused by force majeure or unlawful conduct by a third party, so it is not always the employer or worker's fault.
21. December 2020.

Is occupational safety necessary if employees work in the field?

The topic of field work and safety at work and the obligations of employers in terms of safety at work are most often dealt with by employers who are engaged in service, installation, construction and IT activities, because it often happens that employees do their job outside the premises of the company (i.e. in the premises of the client or customer).
I would hire a student – do I need anything from occupational safety / fire protection
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